Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, C.J. Jung and William James...
Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, C.J. Jung and William James were all brilliant and diverse theorists who made vast contributions to the science of psychological studies. These brilliant minds fueled the psychological studies of future theorists with their contrasting theoretical approaches and discoveries. At times, they collaborated to formulate concepts and understandings but separated because of conceptual disputes. Freud’s psychoanalysis theory was at the epicenter of some studies but these men in their individuality contributed their own theoretical concepts and developed their own schools of thought from Jung’s analytical psychology, Adler’s independent school of psychotherapy, James’s theory of emotion and Freud’s psychoanalytical†¦show more content†¦These include his structural analysis of personality into Id, Ego, and Superego, and his description between anxiety, and ego defense mechanism†(pg 422). Freud’s structure of personality theory divides the mind into three parts, the Id, which centers on desires, pleasures, primal impulses, or urges. The Ego, which is concerned with the conscious, the moral, rational, and is self-aware. The Super-ego, the censor of the Id, which enforces the moral code of the Ego. He believed the Ego and Super-ego are both partly conscious and unconscious. His â€Å"structural theory†of the Id, Ego and Super-ego was detailed in the book, The Ego and the Id when Freud revised his earlier theory of mental functioning and believes repression is one of many defense mechanisms and it occurs to reduce anxiety. Freud reasons the conflict between the drive and superego as the cause of anxiety which is the root cause that inhibits mental functions, such as an individual’s intellect. Identification, rationalization and projection are three other defense mechanisms people use to protect their mind from anxiety. Freud’s theory of psychosexual development states people seek pleasure from erogenous zones and everything a person becomes as an adult is determined by their childhood experiences. An individual develops his or her psychosexual personality based on how he or she handles anti-social impulses in socially
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Critical Paper A Rose for Emily Free Essays
In the story of â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, a kind of point of view that is used was first point of view of multiple characters where the narrator is one of the characters in the story. The multiple characters narrate the actions of a group of characters while never referring to a â€Å"me†and only to a â€Å"we†of the group. It was evident that the narrator was one of the townspeople who were very objective in presenting the facts of the story. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Paper A Rose for Emily or any similar topic only for you Order Now He told us about what the townspeople think of Miss Emily but he didn’t judge her. He clearly presented a reality, not an illusion in which Miss Emily was the one who’s really struggling with the concept of reality vs. illusion and also living one way while hiding a terrible secret (reality vs. appearance). One of the main themes of the story is that people should let go of their past, moving on with the present so that they can prepare to welcome their future. Emily was the proof of a person who always lived on the shadow of the past because she was afraid of changing. She did not accept the passage of time throughout all her life, keeping everything she loved in the past with her. The first evident was about the description of Grierson’s house which was still remained like a symbol of seventieth century while the society was changing every minute. The second evident was the event that Miss Emily declined to pay taxes because in her mind, her family was powerful and they didn’t have to pay any taxes in the town of Jefferson and the third was the fact that Miss Emily had kept her father’s death body inside the house and didn’t allow burying him. And last evident which was also the most interesting of this story, the discovery of Homer Barron’s skeleton in the secret room which can be understood that Miss Emily was afraid that he would leave her and she decided to kill him because she was afraid of losing him. Another theme of the story is that not all things, people, and events are always what they appears to be, which was associated and expressed many times throughout the story. The townspeople viewed Miss Emily as a strange old woman. Not until after her death when the men opened the secret room and found the corpse of Homer Barron, did the citizens and the reader realized that Miss Emily had gone insane. How to cite Critical Paper A Rose for Emily, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Romeo and Juliet A study of the play Essay Example For Students
Romeo and Juliet: A study of the play Essay Discuss the role of parents and parent substitutes in Romeo and Juliet. How responsible are these adults in the tragedy? Through Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare presented society a drama that touched on many aspects concerning human condition. The drama, when studied closely, deals with many universal truths including young love, the family unit, the role of fate and destiny, isolation and the effect of society on every individual. For one to judge how responsible the role of parents and parent substitutes in this tragedy, other important characters and issues must also be taken into consideration. Shakespeare established Romeo and Juliets love as the main focus in this tragic drama. Two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, cannot understand the hatred of the older generation that keeps them apart, and choose to end their lives themselves rather than live without each other. The couple fall in love with each other at first sight, and not even the deaths of their relatives and friends put an end to the deep affections they have for each other. Through the drama, Shakespeare expressed sympathy to young lovers. Romeo and Juliet are the innocent victims of greed, macho behaviour, pride and prejudice of their parents and of society as a whole. Shakespeare wants society to be more tender when treating young lovers, to listen and to understand their points of view even if it means forgetting about ones pride or an ancient family feud: Deny thy father and refuse thy nameAnd Ill no longer be a Capulet. It is this point that the Capulets family, the Montagues family or the Friar failed to do, and as a result of this Romeo and Juliets love became their downfall. The Montague family appears early in the play. Although Lord Montague is as keen to fight as is his counterpart, Lord Capulet, there is also a seeming gentleness and caring about the parents. This is what Lady Montague has to say directly after the fight: O where is Romeo? Saw you him today? / Right gald I am he was not at this fray (Act 1, scene 1), a remark that shows her care for her son. In addition, they are both concerned about the welfare of their son, instructing Benvolio to help if possible. They then largely move out of the immediate action (with the exception of Act 3, scene 1 in which they plead for the life of their son), until the end when we hear of the loss of Lady Montague, having died of a broken heart. Lord Montague is generous at the end, as he promises to erect a statue in pure gold to Juliet an offer immediately countered by Lord Capulet: As rich shall Romeos by his Lady lie (Act 5, scene 3). In contrast to the Montagues, Shakespeare chooses to give more attention to the Capulets as parents. This is obviously a necessity in terms of the plot for Juliet must be threatened with disinheritance and expulsion from the family. However, it also highlights the process of maturation that Juliet must undergo in the course of a very short time, resulting in her setting aside the family in favour of her husband, Romeo. When we meet Lady Capulet early on in the play, she appears to be a caring mother, intent on seeing her daughter securely and (hopefully) happily married to the Count Paris: Tell me, daughter Juliet, / How stands your disposition to be married? (Act 1, scene 3, lines 64-5). It would seem she herself was married at a young age, and became a mother very soon after. This has led to a somewhat jaded outlook on love and marriage, which she sees as something of a necessity in life. She is, however, not opposed to putting her own daughter in a very similar position, should Juliet agree to the arranged marriage to Paris: Speak briefly, can you like of Paris love?. Juliets reply reflects the innocence of the character at this moment in the play: Ill look to like, if looking liking move (Act 1, scene 3, lines 97-9). As the play continues, we are increasingly confronted by a hard and inflexible woman. Her plea for the death of Romeo is vehement and impassioned: Romeo must not live and shed blood of Montague Her subsequent withdrawal from her daughter, in spite of Juliets heartfelt plea to her mother for help (O sweet my mother cast me not away!) shows her determination to see the wedding take place, with no regard for the feelings of her only daughter. Another character seemingly involved in neglecting Juliet is the Nurse. She is a foster-mother to Juliet, having been her companion since the time of her birth and is closest to the young woman, acting as the go-between in the developing relationship between the two young people. The Nurse, together with the Friar, is the caregiver in the play. She understands Juliets feelings and is attentive to her need, is motivated by her love for the young lady, going out of her way to accommodate her mistresss needs and desires. There is an earthy wisdom and common sense about this older woman. She is witty and in touch with youth. There is bawdiness about the way she deals with life and love: I am the drudge, and toil in your delight; / But you shall bear the burden soon at night (Act 2, scene 5). There is a constant reference to sexuality and the basics related to coupling. For her, sex is a vital part of existence and love if not more important than love itself! We laugh with her and admire the manner in which she deals with the fast developing love between her mistress and Romeo: I am none of his flirt-gills, I am none of his skains-mates (Act 2, scene 4). However, when Romeo is banished and Juliet faced with the prospect of marrying Paris, the more practical side of her nature emerges. Her advice to Juliet is to marry Paris. This comes from the heart and is the result of her own practical nature and experience of life. She values life above love. When questioned by Juliet as to her sincerity, Speakst thou from thy Heart? her answer is immediate and sincere, and from my Soul, / Too, else beshrew them both (Act 3, scene 5). Her role as caregiver and surrogate mother is completed. From this moment Juliet must rely on her own ingenuity and resourcefulness, without the comfort and guidance of the Nurse, who in this crucial moment in time has abandoned her. One may fell that such action led to Juliet feeling desperate, and so consequently led to the Friars plan being devised ending in the final tragedy. From this it can be said that the Nurse is very much responsible for Romeo and Juliets death, but in truth, he little status meant that she was left in a very difficult position and had no other choice but to try to persuade Juliet to marry Paris so as to make her mistress happy again: I think it best you married with the County/ O, hes a lovely gentleman! And following the severity in which Capulet treated Juliet, and the way he treated the Nurse when she tried to defend Juliet, we soon realise that Capulets aggressive reaction meant that the Nurse could not defend Juliet any longer. Expectation that Romeo and Juliet's Love is Doomed EssayThe final main character involved in the tragedy is Friar Lawrence, for he is the person responsible for Romeo and Juliets marriage and is the one who devised the plan that led to their deaths. However, to blame Friar Lawrence for being the one responsible for their deaths is misleading of the truth for his chief concern is the good of the citizens of Verona and in the love of Romeo and Juliet he sees a means to end the conflict and bring peace to the city. He thus does all he can to facilitate the marriage and ensure that it succeeds. To this end he makes plans for Romeo to wait in Mantua until Juliet can join him and, when things do go wrong, helps Juliet to the best of his ability. However, the Friar is also rendered powerless by Fate. Thus circumstances go wrong, in spite of his careful plans, ending in the deaths of both the star-crossed lovers. That this does bring together the two families is, in part, the result of the care and concern of the Friar, but again we are reminded of the great price that all have to pay for peace to be restored. The Friar is sensible and reasonable. He deals with people with respect and consideration. He puts his faith in God and believes in the power of the Church to heal and reconcile. However, he is also human. This is evident in the scene in the tomb when he fails to assist Juliet at the crucial moment when she most needs his support. There is a sense of terror and helplessness in his words to Juliet at this crucial moment: I hear some noise, lady. Come from that nest Of death, contagion, and unnatural sleep. A greater power than we can contradict Hath thwarted our intents Come go, good Juliet. I dare no longer stay. (Act 5, scene 3) We should however also remember that it is essential for Juliet to die that order may be restored so the Friar must be temporarily removed, his strength marred by temporary caution. For purposes of character we could see his betrayal as a flaw, although it is understandable that he should be fearful at this moment in the action. On the whole, however, the character does elicit our sympathy and we admire the manner in which the Friar deals with life and those who rely on his support for comfort and direction. His honesty in retelling the events that took place in the tomb, and earlier in the play, re-establishes our belief in the basic goodness of the man. Notice the dignity and depth of feeling in his last words in the play: All this I know, and to the marriage Her Nurse is privy; and if ought in this Miscarried by my fault, let my old life Be sacrificed, some hour before his time, Unto the rigour of severest law. (Act 5, scene 3) Not only is the role of fate apparent here, but it is also reflected in Romeo and Juliets constant affirmation to the role destiny plays until their deaths, which emphasizes one of the important factors that Shakespeare wanted his audience to recognise. Romeos thoughts and feelings concerning the role played by destiny are parallel to that of Juliet. By saying, some consequence yet hanging in the stars shall bitterly begin his fearful date, Romeo is acknowledging, from the first act, that his destiny will be of untimely death, and that he has no control over it. Juliet too recognises that their lives are completely dependent upon fate and destiny. She tries to take control, but is left to face reality at the end, when she is bewildered by the apparent contrast between what she thought she was in control of and that of reality. Her reaction when finally facing reality can be seen from the quote: All slain, all dead There is no end, no limit, measure, bound For this the two families cannot be held responsible, as from this quote it is apparent that they have no control or power over each ones destiny. In addition, the idea of fate being in total control was immediately established in the chorus as Romeo and Juliet were identified as star-crossed lovers and further emphasized by the Friars alarming warning: These violent delights have violent ends. The feeling of complete isolation felt by both Romeo and Juliet just before their tragic deaths; makes this drama increasingly more tragic. Juliet is left to defend Romeo alone when, for the first time, the nurse lacks in thought of Juliets feelings. Juliet is left to ponder her fate, alone in her bedroom, while Romeo, alone in Mantua, awaits a letter from the Friar. For this, the two families are partly to blame. However, Shakespeare, through Romeo and Juliet, feels that isolation is not only due to the lack of support by ones family but also by society as a whole. He urges every individual to play a more active role in ensuring that every person in his/her society does not feel alone, and that he/she has a sense of belonging to that particular society. The ancient feud between the Capulet and Montague households which, led to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, could have been prevented from escalating and even dissolved had society played a more active role. On the whole, the role of parents or parent substitutes is an important factor in the happiness of their children. In Romeo and Juliet, the mistakes made by the Montague and Capulet households were partly to blame for the tragic ending of the play, but many other factors also contributed. For one, the role of fate and destiny, the other, the effects isolation has on an individual. Society as a whole is also to blame, as for example, the feelings of isolation and desperation that both Romeo and Juliet experienced towards the end of the play could have both been avoided had individuals in their society played a more active role in bringing the two families together and in ensuring its youth is not lost as a consequence of this ancient feud. Through this tragic play, Shakespeare wants his audience to be aware that although destiny and fate play a major role in every persons life, tragedies like the death of Romeo and Juliet can be prevented if the older generations greed, desire for wealth, self-pride and prejudice are forgotten during situations of immense importance and complexity. It is the fact that Romeo and Juliets death could have been so easily avoidable, that makes this drama the tragedy it is:
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