Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Early Modern Period

1450-1750 Early Modern Period Major Developments I. Questions of Periodization A. Major points 1. Shift in power to the West a. Rise of the West with fall of China and India creates imbalance in power that favors Europeans for next 200 years 2. World becomes smaller – almost all civilizations touched by trade 3. New Empires – Spain, Portugal, England, France, Netherlands, Ottoman, Russian, Mughal, Ming 4. Age of Gunpowder B. Changes at end of Postclassical Era 1. Independent societies (Aztecs, Incas) falling apart 2. Arab power declining 3. New invasions – Mongols 4. Ottoman Empire gains power a. Europeans threatened by new force to East 5. Chinese flirt with trade, but Ming bureaucrats pull back 6. Europe enters age of exploration C. Western Europe 1. Unusual agricultural civilization 2. New view of family – nuclear a. Love toward spouse b. Affection toward children 3. Return to rational thought 4. Stable political structures a. Absolute monarchy b. Parliamentary monarchies 5. Religious reformers a. Reform the Church b. Protestant Reformation D. Effects of Global Economy 1. By 1750, almost everyone knows everyone 2. Food exchange – new staple crops to Africa (corn), Europe (potato) 3. Unequal relationships – master, slave, owners, workforce 4. Slaves and serfs 5. Diseases E. Themes 1. Declining emphasis of nomads 2. Direct relationships – ambassadors replace intermediaries (Nomads) 3. Gender relations remain patriarchal 4. Labor relations change – master/slave – abuse of indigenous peoples 5. A few commercial leaders get rich 6. Environmental changes a. ood, animal, disease exhange 7. Native vegetation a. Deforestation for staple crops b. Grazing land for newly introduced beasts of burden 8. Centralization of governments a. Modern government 1. bureaucracies 2. agencies 3. admiralties 4. treasuries 5. general staff 6. state banks 9. Nation-states began to emerge a. solid political units with fixed borders b. sense of national unity c. populations relatively homogenous – language/e thnicity F. Larger Trends 1. Americas overwhelmed by outsiders 2. Three trends a. Western expansion . Globalization of trade c. Gunpowder 3. Reactions a. Embrace by choice b. Embrace by force c. Choose to remain independent, involve in trade on own terms G. Why 1450 and 1750 1. 1450 a. End of the Middle Ages b. Beginning of the Northern Renaissance – away from Italian city-states c. English evicted from France d. Unified France began to exercise its power e. Globalization of trade begins f. Direct contact between Europe and sub-Saharan Africa/Americas g. End of the Byzantine Empire h. Ottoman Turks rise to power

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Female Education Essay

Napoleon once said â€Å"Give me an educated mother and I will give you an educated nation. † This statement is enough to prove the importance of female education. Allah has created both man and woman equally. They are like the two sides of a coin. One is incomplete without the other. So, education cannot be the only possession of a single class or sex. Rather, it should be imparted equally to both men and women. Our religion has also made education compulsory for all. In the past, our women folk were confined within the four walls of home. Parents did not allow them to receive education and to participate in any outside work. Early marriage, religious misinterpretation and the narrowness of our outlook were mainly responsible for this. Parents thought it waste of time and money to educate their girls. They did not understand that if girl children were educated they could be as competent as male children. As our women folk constitute almost half of our total population, no real development is possible keeping them uneducated. On the other hand, an educated mother plays a very important role in making and shaping the character of her children. She knows well how to bring up her children, to educate them and to make them worthy. In domestic life, she can also extend her helping hand to her husband. So, there is no alternative to female education. It is a matter of great delight that women have started to come out of their cocoons. Being educated, they are joining a wide range of professions. They have been able to prove their abilities. So, the disadvantages of early marriage and religious misinterpretation must be removed. Our outlook about women must be changed. More schools and colleges for girls should be set up to spread female education. Recently the scenario of female education has started to change. Many socio-economic factors are responsible for this change. All possible facilities of female education have been extended. Education for girls up to degree level has been made free with a monthly stipend. This encourages them to continue their education. We should remember that only educated women can change the picture of our society. So, all of us should come forward to spread female education. The overall state of female education in Bangladesh is not yet satisfactory. In the past, women were in the boundary of their houses. They usually spent their time doing their household chores. They were deprived of education. But the situation has been changed now. Now-a-days, they are admitting into schools, colleges and universities. The rate of literacy in our country is about 60% whereas female literacy is about 40%. Female education is necessary for getting an educated nation. Because, an educated mother can give an educated nation. There are many advantages of female education. A child will never remain illiterate if his/her mother is educated. An educated woman can play various roles in the family. She can impart himself in different business and jobs. As a result, she can contribute to the family income. However, government should do something more to educate the female. â€Å"No need girl’s education, they are born only for taking care of their families†- this idea was stereotype in the early past of Bangladesh. The birth of a boy child was a blessing for the parents and a girl child was like a curse. It is a surprising matter that a girl child also comes like a boy child from mother’s womb and father’s blood but still that child is unexpected to her parents. In reality, a father and mother can never hate their children. Actually, the society made the rule to neglect the girl children. As Bangladesh is considers as a Muslim country, most of its population are Muslim. The Bangladeshi people thought that their religion had ordered them to keep their women and female children inside the house and keep them in safe. As a result, the parents always wanted a male child to earn for the family and protect their old age. From a theological research, it has found that the beliefs which were followed by our ancestors were based on wrong concepts. The holy books actually suggested keeping women in safe, not to confine them into four walls where they do not have any liberty. These books also suggested that a woman can even participate in the warfare if she is able to protect herself. Very slowly but the people started to change their mentality when they were becoming educated and started realizing that it was useless to achieve success without women as a mother is the first teacher of a child. If a mother is illiterate there is much possibility that the child will be uneducated. To cure this problem, Begum Rokeya, the pioneer of giving the light of education to the Muslim Bengali girls. This social movement of educating girls was very slow and at that time people were against of this blessed work. She kept patience and opened a girls’ school. She made people to understand about the benefit of the girl’s education by giving the religious points. Though it took time to convince people, it worked. People understood the necessity of the girls’ education and started sending their daughters into the school. This idea was so effective because a nation can have more achievements if the entire nation works together for success, not the half of the nation. The government also realized that this is an innovative idea and so the†¦ â€Å"It is the height of selfishness for men, who fully appreciate in their own case the great advantage of a good education, to deny these advantages to women. There is no valid argument by which the exclusion of the female sex from the privilege of education can be defended. It is argued that women have their domestic duties to perform and that, if they were educated, they would bury themselves in their books and have little time for attending to the management of their households. Of course, it is possible for women as it is for men to neglect work in order to spare more time for reading sensational novels. But women are no more liable to this temptation than men and most women would be able to do their household work the entire better for being able to refresh their minds in the intervals of leisure with a little reading. Nay, education would even help them in the performance of the narrowest sphere of womanly duty. For education involves knowledge of the means by which health may be preserved and enable a mother to consult such modern books as will tell her how to rear up her children into healthy men and women and skillfully nurse them and her husband, when disease attacks her household. Without education she will not be averse to listen, with fatal results, to the advice of superstitious quacks that pretend to work wonder by charms and magic. But, according to higher conception of women’s sphere, women ought to be something more than a household drudge. She ought to be able not merely to nurse her husband in sickness but also to be his companion in health. For this part of her wifely duty, education is necessary, for there cannot be congenial companionship between an educated husband and an uneducated wife who can converse with her husband on no higher subject than cookery and servant’s wages. Also, one of a mother’s highest duties is the education of her children at the time when their mind is not amenable to instruction. A child’s whole future life, to a large extent, depends on the teaching it receives in early childhood and it is needless to say that this first foundation of education cannot be well laid by an ignorant mother. On all these grounds female education is a vital necessity. Gender inequality in education is extreme. Girls are less likely to access school, to remain in school or to achieve in education. Education helps men and women claim their rights and realise their potential in the economic, political and social arenas. It is also the single most powerful way to lift people out of poverty. Education plays a particularly important role as a foundation for girls’ development towards adult life. It should be an intrinsic part of any strategy to address the gender-based discrimination against women and girls that remains prevalent in many societies. The following links will further explain the necessity of girls’/women’s education. Education is a right Cultural changes Better health and awareness Poverty reduction Education is a right Everybody has the right to education, which has been recognised since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. The right to free and compulsory primary education, without discrimination and of good quality, has been reaffirmed in all major international human rights conventions. Many of these same instruments encourage, but do not guarantee, post-primary education. These rights have been further elaborated to address issues like quality and equity, moving forward the issue of what the right to education means, and exploring how it can be achieved. As a minimum: states must ensure that basic education is available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable for all. (4A scheme) The right of girls to education is one of the most critical of all rights – because education plays an important role in enabling girls and women to secure other rights. Cultural changes Cultural and traditional values stand between girls and their prospects for education. The achievement of girls’ right to education can address some of societies’ deeply rooted inequalities, which condemn millions of girls to a life without quality education – and, therefore, also all too often to a life of missed opportunities. Improving educational opportunities for girls and women helps them to develop skills that allow them to make decisions and influence community change in key areas. One reason for denying girls and women their right to an education is rarely articulated by those in charge: that is their fear of the power that girls will have through education. There is still some resistance to the idea that girls and women can be trusted with education. Education is also seen in some societies as a fear of change and now with globalization, the fear becomes even greater- fear to lose the cultural identity, fear of moving towards the unknown or the unwanted, fear of dissolving in the many others. Better health Basic education provides girls and women with an understanding of basic health, nutrition and family planning, giving them choices and the power to decide over their own lives and bodies. Women’s education leads directly to better reproductive health, improved family health, economic growth, for the family and for society, as well as lower rates of child mortality and malnutrition. It is also key in the fight against the spread of HIV & AIDS. Poverty reduction Educating girls and women is an important step in overcoming poverty. Inequality and poverty are not inevitable. â€Å"The focus on poverty reduction enables the right to education to be a powerful tool in making a change in the lives of girls and women. Poverty has been universally affirmed as a key obstacle to the enjoyment of human rights, and it has a visible gender profile. The main reason for this is the fact that poverty results from violations of human rights, including the right to education, which disproportionately affect girls and women. Various grounds of discrimination combine, trapping girls in a vicious downward circle of denied rights. Denial of the right to education leads to exclusion from the labour market and marginalisation into the informal sector or unpaid work. This perpetuates and increases women’s poverty. † Education is one of the basic human rights. Every human being has the right to be enlightened by the light of knowledge. But like other issues of our society, a gender inequality exists in receiving education which is enacted to the females. This unwanted practice is continuing still in our society and hinders the progress of our nation. In our country, because of some old superstitions and customs, girls are deprived from many facilities which are cashed in on by males. Education is one of those. The parents think not to invest money to their female children rather than to the males. And that’s why; women of our country still can’t lead a solvent, secured, independent life. A woman without any education can’t use her skills and brain in a proper way. Because of educational ignorance, she can’t differentiate the right and wrong and take any decision correctly. She can’t use the chances to uplift her condition. She can’t nurse her family and children properly. In total, an uneducated woman leads a disorganized life. These awful facts affect the society decisively. Almost half of the population remains inoperative, unskilled, and slapdash. It lags behind the whole nation economically, academically, commercially which will suffer the future generation. If the women-folk is educated, they can utilize their skill, knowledge and work hand in hand with men in all programs of development. They can be self-employed and be a source of man power by which they can support their family financially. They can analysis any situation and take the right decision and influence her family and society in the key areas through their useful thoughts. They will be conscious about early marriage, family planning, maternal mortality rate, child mortality etc. Besides, if a woman is educated, she can take care of her children perfectly. A mother exercises an undeniable influence in the formation of children’s character and shaping their future destination. Once Napoleon said, â€Å"Give me†¦ [continues] Essay Introduction: The history of progress of the human race is the history of education. Hence it is necessary for every person, man or woman, to be educated. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Women should be educated like men; otherwise there can be no peace or no progress. If you yoke an unbroken (untrained) horse with highly trained one, the carriage will be dashed to pieces sand the occupants’ lives will be destroyed. The family peace cannot be preserved with such ill-matched life-long companions. Need for Female Education: Napoleon was once asked what the greatest need of France was. He answered â€Å"Motherland’s National progress is impossible without trained and educated mothers. † If the women in any country are not educated about half the people in that country will be ignorant. The result is that such a country will not be able to go along with other nations in development and progress. A Controversy: There is a great controversy going on in India whether women should receive higher education or not. Orthodox people are in favor of female education, but they are opposed to given them high education. But this view does not sound well. If women are mentally fit to receive higher education there seems to be no reason why they should not be allowed to develop their mental faculties. There is other group of liberal people which in favor of the female education. To give them only the rudiments of knowledge while they are eager for advanced studies is to condemn them to a place of inferiority. Duties of Woman: A woman has to play three distinct parts in the course of her life in each of which certain duties are expected of her. If she is able to do these well she is worthy of being called perfect woman. It is only by the help of education that she can hope to be able to do them satisfactorily. The first duty of a woman is to be a good daughter. The second is to be a good wife. And the third is to be a good mother. Education†¦ [continues] Male Female Education Different people have different ideas and opinions as to whether it is more important to educate boys or girls. Some believe that the education of boys is more important than that of the girls, and meanwhile others disagree. In reality, the choice depends on what country, culture, or society we are talking about. In many nations including many Asian countries, tradition demands that men provide the family with income, food, clothing, etc., and women perform the usual household business such as cooking, cleaning, washing, and taking care of children. In such societies it seems logical that there is more stress on the priority of men’s education rather than women, since it is the male that requires the needed education to succeed, survive, and thrive. It is perceived in these countries that education is not of vital importance to women since they â€Å"are not† supposed to work outside the house, and that their primary duty is to take care of the family and kids. However in modern societies and nations, the situation differs. Now days more countries are inclined towards modernization. The general moral philosophy of these nations is equality amongst men and women; therefore, this means equal business, industrial, and occupational opportunities for both the men and women. Based on these facts, it is vital to put of equal stress on the education of men and women for this will insure that females and males perform their tasks professionally and adequately. In my opinion, the edification of men and women has to be equally emphasized because today’s technological and economical advanced world require fully educated, experienced, and versatile citizens regardless of their gender. And this can be only achieved through sufficient education of both men and women. The importance of today’s society is to improve the reaction time interview tested techniques of the oriental and occidental countries and continents. [continues].

Monday, July 29, 2019

Strategies in Striving for Peak Performance and Applying to Sales in Essay

Strategies in Striving for Peak Performance and Applying to Sales in the Insurance Industry - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the companies need to improve their efficiency level and productivity through the greater degree of flexibility and innovation under constant internal as well as external pressure. Since the insurance companies provide services that can be counted under the purview of the retail industry, the selling capabilities of the employees are constantly challenged. Employees not only require technologies but need to integrate creativity in their approaches for better productivity. With a number of players in the market, the insurance business is about to touch the saturation point. This explains that even though the services are increasing, the buyers of services are declining at a steady rate. As a result, employees and managers are facing tremendous work pressure giving rise to feelings of frustration and low motivation. In this respect, people management in insurance companies has assumed a highly prioritized position. Managers are getting instructions from high er authorities to supplement the traditional method of motivation with various contemporary approaches so as to uplift the working spirit of employees at a different level. Keeping in view the current scenario of the insurance industry, the present paper focuses on various motivational strategies and skills that can be implemented therein. The objective and purpose of this piece of work are to examine various motivational theories and its implication in the insurance industry. In simple words, motivation can be defined as rationales underlying a particular behavior. Broussard and Garrison defined it as an attribute that influences the individual to undertake a particular activity. In the broad sense, it is a set of beliefs, values, perceptions, actions, and interests that are highly interlinked. In the following section, various motivational theories have been discussed which will be further discussed in the context of the insurance industry in the later section. In a stress environ ment similar to that of the insurance industry, it is very natural for employees to develop feelings such as aggression, discomfort, and frustration due to monotony and repetitive nature of the task. Motivation can be considered as an important antidote to the given problem of low morale.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Crimes committed by teenagers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crimes committed by teenagers - Essay Example As Allen (1996) observes, in many parts of the world, some teens have been engaged in criminal activities because their families do not want to take up responsibilities. So many teens have been neglected by family members who leave them to fend for themselves due to economic hardship, or perhaps because of their (family) negligence. In order to make ends meet such teens have always found themselves doing such criminal activities like robbing with violence. Teens might also find themselves committing criminal activities as a way of revenging for what society has done to them - they will always feel that society has forgotten them and that they are the wretched of the earth.Fourthly, some families have either knowingly or unknowingly entrusted their teenage children with a lot of decision making. It must be understood that in as much as a teen may tend to be mature, one thing families should know is that such children might not be physically or emotionally mature for such decision maki ng. They are sometimes bound to make the very wrong decision, which may result from criminal activities. The law should not be lenient to such family members because it is their responsibility to instill discipline and to control them until they reach the maturity stage where they can be left to take up their personal responsibilities. Making parents pay for the crimes committed by their teenage children along with their teens is something which should not be debated on.

Value Chain Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Value Chain Assignment - Essay Example Through this technique, a company is easily able to identify and eradicate its non-value adding activity, thus improving its competitive advantage within the industry (IMA, 1996; Kaplinsky, 2000; Nordberg, 2003). Tesco certainly fits within the value chain of its industry. Since Tesco is categorised within the retail industry, it can be evidently seen that the company follows similar activities as that of its competitors. Tesco is actively involved in selling various products at their official outlets. The company, which initially started as a grocery retailer, later transformed into a diversified retailer selling various products at their outlets (Tesco PLC, 2013). Tesco currently sells various products, few under its own brand name, at its dedicated outlets situated in 14 different countries. It also provides financial services within the UK which include service offerings similar to that of a bank. Tesco continues to offer value to its customers via its innovative thinking and approach. The supermarket chain is greatly valued by its customers and this is only made possible by the organisation’s senior management by providing exuberant environment to its customers on each and every shopping trip of theirs. Tesco has got its six step approach for its UK business in order to provide good service and value to its customers. The six steps include: Tesco also follows a similar approach in all its other areas of operation with clear intentions of improving their services within different areas around the globe where they serve. The company prides itself in proving such services and it has gradually seen an upward thrust in their customers within the recent years. Tesco has also been actively involved in providing financial services to its customers within its stores e.g. customers can buy insurance or other Bank products offered by Tesco while shopping within their dedicated stores. According to its CEO, Tesco has also formulated

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt - Essay Example This play revolves around the Common Man as he struggles for exploitation, dishonesty, adultery, treachery, and also his wakefulness and feverish nature in the characters of Steward Matthew, the Jailer and the Boatman. The Jailer is always trying to safeguard his own self but also takes no account of the well being of other people around him. The Common Man displays itself in the form of Steward, Boatman and Jailer as the voices of dishonesty, exploitation, and wakefulness and sometimes make a fool of himself in front of other people to protect his own self from distress and buries himself under his own umbrella where assisting others is a myth. (Bolt|1996) The dishonesty is embarked in his role of House Steward Matthew where he plots against his Master Sir Thomas and in this conspiracy reveals information about him. He believed his master to be a great one but also forefronts adultery with him. When Sir Thomas renounced his title, he asked Matthew if he will stay on the course with him with a little deduction in pay considering him to be loyal with him; but Matthew refused and proved his master otherwise. He back stabbed Sir Thomas regardless of the symphony he has done for him, and the trust Sir Thomas puts in him. Sir Thomas was tilted towards Matthew and even confronted in front of him that he will miss him but Matthew had other things on mind. Matthew was too busy being selfish that he did not care a bit about being unfaithful to his employer, his master who praised and liked him. Matthew was just greedy submersed by his own pity intentions that he could have cared less for his master, he could have live on a meager wage as he had no family and little expenses but he choose otherwise. This Common Man in the role of Steward is a disloyal employee, who like all servants of his own cluster, worries about his own self and pays no heed about loyalty or the affection others around him have for him. (Bolt|1996) As a boatman, his

Friday, July 26, 2019

Pennsylvania's Long Term Care Facilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Pennsylvania's Long Term Care Facilities - Essay Example Although these care facilities had been designed to provide care that provided more care available in private homes and less than that available in the hospitals, persons living in long-term care facilities are still the victims of physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse (Tatara, 1993). Neglect of the residents in that sense legally construes abuse. In this assignment, abuse and neglect in Pennsylvania's long term care facilities will be critically examined from the point of view of exploring the causes and status of it in the state of Pennsylvania and what law can do to prevent it. To this end, it is imperative to have the legal definitions of these terms need to be established first for the reader's benefits (Underwood, 2005). Caretaker: Under schedule 10225.103 of Pennsylvania Law means an individual or an institution that has assumed the responsibility for the provision of care needed to maintain the physical and mental health of an older adult. This responsibility may arise in several conditions. It may arise voluntarily, by contract, by receipt of payment in lieu of care provided, out of family relationship, or by the order of court of competent jurisdiction. This act, however, mentions that it does not intend to impose responsibility on any individual who is not legally responsible for such (National Research Council, 2003). Older Adult: Most of the older adults are residents of long-term care facilities. The same Pennsylvania law defines an older adult to be a person within the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth who is 60 years old or older than that. Therefore, older adult who is in need of protective services would be an incapacitated adult who would be unable to perform activities or obtain services that are necessary to maintain psychological and physical health and wellbeing, for whom there is no responsible caretaker, making him vulnerable to the imminent risks of danger to his person or property (National Research Council, 2003). Abuse: Under the same section of law and also under section 672, abuse is defined as one or more of the following acts. These include infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, and/or punishment that may result into physical harm, pain or mental anguish. This may also include the willful deprivation by a caretaker or caretaker organization of goods or services that are necessary for maintenance of physical or mental health. Moreover Protection from Abuse act, 1976, also includes in this category acts of sexual harassment, abuse, or rape. However, the law excludes the grounds of uncontrollable environmental factors such as housing, furnishings, income, clothing, and medical care (National Research Council, 2003). Neglect: In this law, neglect means the failure to provide for self or failure of the care provider to provide goods or services essential to avoid a clear and serious threat to physical and mental health. As per this law, however, no older adult who does not consent to the protective services shall be found to be neglected solely on the grounds of environmental factors which are beyond the control of the older adult or the caretaker, such as, inadequate housing, furnishi

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mustafa Kemal Atatrk Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mustafa Kemal Atatrk - Research Paper Example Due to this decision, Turkey, under leadership from Mustafa, fought with three different enemies- The French, Greek and Armenian forces. He was able to defeat the Armenian forces and the Greeks due to heavy influx of arms and gold from the Russian Bolshevik government. The Greeks were able to extend their occupation of Ottoman land by a considerable extent up until Mustafa Kemal pushed the forces back and eventually launched an all-out attack, made effective due to the complacency on the part of the Allies towards his growing hold over their captured territories. Unfortunately, the Armenian genocide is one blotch on Mustafa’s military record. Under the Treaty of Sevres, the Armenian population was given certain safeguards to lands claimed by them. However the Allies, knowing fully well that the Armenians would need support until they could rebuild and develop, left the people to their own devices. Kemal then breached the frontier, forced the Armenians to renounce their claims for Turkish-Armenia, break the treaty of Sevres and even cede Russian Armenian districts (Hovannisian). The atrocities conducting by Mustafa Kemal’s ruling party, through the trio of Enver, Cemal and Talat Pasha (Freedman) will forever stain his record. On the fateful day of the 29th of October 1923, the Republic of Turkey was presented to the world and with it, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk the first president of the newly born state. He then set about the task of modernizing the state of Turkey, with economic, social and political reforms that were loosely based on the successful Western states. The most noticeable, and first reform he issued, was that of the ideology of the state. Mustafa Kemal believed in the... This research paper talks about Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as great person who make a huge mark on history of Turkey. His surname, Atatà ¼rk (meaning "Father of the Turks"), was granted to him in 1934 and forbidden to any other person by the Turkish parliament. Mustafa Kemal was a military officer during the Italo-Turkish War and have won in a famous battle at Libya against the massive forces of the Italians. He later fought in the Balkan Wars and was promoted to colonel for his service to the Ottoman Empire. His second finest success on the battlefield was in World War I when he was commander of the 19th division and managed to hold off the British army. But for most Turks nowadays, Mustafa Kemal’s finest moment on the field was his leadership role in the War of Independence. On the historic day of the 29th of October 1923, the Republic of Turkey was presented to the world and with it, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk the first president of the newly born state. He set about the task of modernizing the state of Turkey, with economic, social and political reforms. The most noticeable, and first reform he issued, was that of the ideology of the state. Mustafa Kemal believed in the right of total independence and sovereignty. Thus he rejected the ideals of fascism and totalitarianism, and went forward with the removal of the interference by religion, on the state’s affairs- secularism. In fact theories propose that Turkey’s current standing among other Muslim Majority states is due to its split from the Sharia form of law (Kuran).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reasons behind the Financial Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reasons behind the Financial Crisis - Essay Example Still on torts, directors can be held liable due to their subordinates both beneficial and non-beneficial. The financial crisis is fostered by inept decision making poor planning and general laxity in troubleshooting. These problems accrue from middle management personnel, but a director is liable (Berlatsky 3). Directors can be held liable for breaching fiduciary duty to the corporations they run. This situation arises when a director tries to avoid conflict of interest such that, through their actions or omissions, they are doing an injustice to the corporation. An example is when directors knowingly enter into contracts that are financially inappropriate for their companies. The directors view their personal interests in the contract to be of greater value. Most directors have a tendency to act outside their authority in regard to letters patent and other corporate governing documents. Such decisions result in misappropriation of company resources, poor investment decisions and an inevitable financial crisis (Berlatsky 34). Directors are also liable for Risk Management in regard to the investments made by the company. However, this liability extends even more to the Gate keepers. Gatekeepers include lawyers, accountants and investment bankers. This group of professionals plays a significant role in advising the directors on what ventures they should and should not undertake. The first group is the accountants. An accountant’s failure to comprehensively account for the acquisition and use of financial assets, therefore, is equal to the failure of the company. Investment bankers should transparently render their advice on which ventures are more profitable than the others. Most investment bankers lack transparency owing to their self serving motives this led to increased debt burden or over-leveraging. Another crucial batch of professionals is the lawyers. Their work should be to ascertain the legal financial implications made by a director and in exten t the company they represent. These professions collectively failed to render their services effectively and with efficiency. They also did not uphold integrity especially in regard to safeguarding company assets. Finally, they did not comply with the law especially in light of contract procurement (Hamdani & Olin 56). The most eminent failure of internal and external auditors is fraud. Auditors are the main whistle blowers in regards to a corporation’s failure and success despite how minimal. In the event that they turn a blind eye to illegal, inappropriate activities of a company in managing and investing finances the result will be a financial crisis (Hamdani & Olin 78). Notable failures of credit rating agencies are apparent in the following three areas: Ratings methodologies: in this case, most of the credit rating agencies did not follow the recommended rating methodologies. There are also reports of the ratings leaking to interested parties before publish which is surm ountable to fraud. This unfair rating systems contributed to the great number of poor financial decisions made that led to the financial crisis. Fiduciary legislation: managing conflicts of interest: the agencies do not have clear cut policies to manage cases of conflict of interest. This is especially notable in instances where the issuer holds large shares in the firm. Timely, accurate disclosures: credit rating agencies are slow to disclose errors and fix them especially in reg

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Research Proposal Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Proposal Approach - Essay Example The formulation of organization’s strategic plan does not necessarily mean it is pursuing strategic alignment (Akpan, 2007). Therefore, this study seeks to align Walmart’s strategic plan with its operations. Strategic alignment in this study means the alignment of company’s goals with internal and external factors to earn competitive advantages. The objective of this strategic alignment is to enhance Walmart’s business operation and it plan. It will make the goals clear, flexible, attainable, and in line with the overall company’s objectives. This study will attempt to align Wal-Mart’s mission, vision, and people strategies and value statements with the proposed strategic plan. Walmart’s mission is â€Å"Save money, live better† and its vision is â€Å"respect for the individuals’ service to our customer and striving for excellence† (Walmart, 2015). Also, there are value statements such as â€Å"Everyday Low Prices (EDLP)† (Walmart, 2015). This study will start by defining Wal-Mart because it will be the focus of the strategic plan. It is a secondary research. The secondary research draws heavily on available data (Akpan, 2007). There are two types of information that are needed for the purpose of strategic planning. The study requires internal environment data and external environment data. The Wal-Mart’s internal environment entails factors and characteristics that indicate its strengths and weaknesses. The sources that will generate this information include company’s financial statements and reviews, and employees views from previous studies. Employees’ views are important because they will make the study not to disconnect the strategy and operational reality. The external environment entails factors and characteristics that indicate Wal-Mart’s opportunities and threats. The sources of that will generate data and information for external environment analysis are statistical studies academic institutions, trade

Monday, July 22, 2019

Psychology and clinical psychology Essay Example for Free

Psychology and clinical psychology Essay Abnormal psychology and clinical psychology deals with the disorders of mental health. Anxiety disorders, cognitive disorders, depressive disorders, communication disorders, disruptive behavior disorders, mood disorders and personality disorders. All these disorders are abnormal which are reflections of a very serious and concerned situation. Q. 1. What happened to one’s mind when one is woken-up by a strange or scaring noise? Ans: A normal person whose sleep is disturbed by a scary or a strange noise, wakes up with in a disordered mood. First of all a good night sleep is disturbed and mind starts thinking to find out what is wrong in the vicinity and nearly in about less than five minutes, sleepy mood disappears and instead awakens one’s mind to find out what went wrong at that moment. Men seldom feel threatened by scary noises and instead are successful in finding the realities in that situation. This is again dependent on the mental health and physical tiredness of a person as to how one’s mind reacts to these strange noises. However, a common view is that strange noises certainly wake up people from sleep and generally minds search the cause and the place where from the strange noise is heard. Q. 2. How could panic or fear interfere or disrupt with normal decision making or thinking. Ans: Panic leads to anxiety disorder which makes a particular situation to go beyond control. For instance, all of a sudden, a lion enters a home, the owner is in great panic and is out of power in decision making. It takes time to regain normal thinking in order to make a plot to cage lion in home. Some of the symptoms of anxiety are faster heart beat, heavy perspiration, stammering, hands and feet turning cold, extreme discomfort and restlessness. In both the above instances, there is a severe symptom for nervous breakdown or any abnormal disorder which may be either psychological or physical. Q. 3. Does the reaction time differ when one if fully awake and awaken by strange noise or sound? How? A fully awake person immediately researches about the issue and considers necessary steps whereas for a person who awoke from sleep, reacts slowly to the problem. For instance, a brick from a construction apartment falls on a car which is parked nearby, makes a huge sound and car owner reacts immediately and files a case against contractor. The same incident takes place in the middle of the night, car owner awakes from the middle of the sleep and finds car is broken, it takes time to react and to verify the facts of incident. Therefore the reaction time varies between a person who is fully awake and the person who is awakened by strange noise. 4. How does the environment or circumstances affect our behaviors or the way of thinking? Thinking is often lead by environment that a person resides in. Thinking at home is quite relaxed, thinking in office is quite fast, thinking in a situation is quite stressful and thinking in bed is again in a relaxed mood by reading a magazine or a newspaper. The pattern of thinking differs. For instance, behavior and thinking pattern in trains and airplanes is different such that passengers are all seat-belted, relaxed and at times doze off to sleep until destinations are reached. In panic situations, pattern of behavior changes such that yelling in anxiety, scream when in danger and calling out for help and assistance are some of the abnormal behaviors that outbreak among people. 5. Is there any sort of training that you would recommend that would prepare staff mentally who might be sleeping during high cries at the middle of the night (e. g. crisis intervention or crisis management). For instance, military personnel improve their reaction time and decision making through training allowing them to be able to get ready within 5 minutes from sleep and be able to make sound judgment or decisions. How can we compare military person vs. a regular person? Training about crisis management is quite a practical approach to staff. For instance, a burglar enters apartment and is immediately caught by the residents who acted with great courage. The essential technique that can be practiced is to predict crisis and have a pre-designed plots to attack crisis or risk situation. For instance, diffusing an explosive is a technique and requires skill, similarly, to counter-attack any situation, one has to be prepared in advance going by the environment one is placed in. A military person can never afford to be in a relaxed mood whereas an analysis has to be made each time, about the positive threats that creep in from enemy or from any unlawful forces. By and large there is a huge difference between a military person’s sleep and a regular person’s sleep basing on the activity and exercise that varies between the two. A military person is constantly on a low or high degree of stress and tension whereas a regular person carries a minimum risk depending on the regular activity that is being performed as daily chore of office-going. Conclusion Everything is a matter of acceptance as to how one reacts to a situation, whether by self-management or by seeking the guidance and help of other sources. This depends on the status of mind that one has both during the awakening time and sleeping time. The degree of panic is initially high, a person always possesses enough capacity to react to the situation in order to control and handle the issue effectively. References Alan Carr Abnormal Psychology http://books. google. com/books? id=oJEeqztJbCsCpg=PR5lpg=PP1ots=oGW7hdXntJdq=abnormal+psychologyie=ISO-8859-1output=htmlsig=2LkIWZZY7o2cbp7M0bS7JRSpm7M Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach By David H. Barlow, Vincent Mark Durand http://books. google. com/books? id=TFHmCOYKkgcCpg=PR11lpg=PR9dq=abnormal+psychologyie=ISO-8859-1output=htmlsig=hhIEwNgvnRWqpJN2MtNDwdut-GQ

The issue of deforestation is the reality today Essay Example for Free

The issue of deforestation is the reality today Essay A standout amongst the most pervasive issues in our reality today is the issue of deforestation. Deforestation can be depicted as \the act of clearing the common timberlands for horticulture, logging, and so forth.\ (Deforestation Statistics). Subsequent to hearing the meaning of deforestation, the vast majority would not observe this to be an extremely noteworthy issue on the planet, however, in the wake of hearing the disturbing measurements related with deforestation, most would alter their opinion. For instance, apparently, the most stunning analysis is that deforestation has brought about 80 percent of Earth\s backwoods cover being chopped down (Deforestation Statistics). In spite of the fact that the timber gathered from these rainforests over the world fill essential needs, I don\t trust it is justified regardless of the value nature needs to pay. All that matters is this: Deforestation of the world\s rainforests isn\t justified regardless of the cost paid. Rainforests are home to incalculable types of creatures, a considerable lot of which are jeopardized. By tearing down trees in colossal amounts, people are demolishing the homes of each species that may live there. When mulling over that a portion of the animal types depending on the backwoods are jeopardized, one must understand that taking part in deforestation will probably bring about the elimination of that specific species. Deforestation has just dispensed with numerous species from our planet. For instance, Michael Greenwell composes that deforestation of the Amazon alone, brought about the annihilation of 26 distinct sorts of creatures and plants in South America, and 644 different kinds were in risk of getting to be noticeably terminated (Greenwell). When taking this data in, one must understand that those 26 distinct species are always gone. This is a lasting impact of deforestation. The creatures that are surviving deforestation are compelled to escape the zone and look fo r a new haven, which may be unsafe to animals, as well as to people too. In 2009, on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, six individuals were murdered by tigers. The explanation for this is the deforestation happening in Sumatra prompted laborers encroaching upon the living spaces of these tigers, finishing with the passings of 6 individuals (Mongabay). To make matters much more severe than they as of now are, the Sumatran tiger is \fundamentally imperiled,\ and this wood operation was illicit (Mongabay). Is the wood reaped from that woodland worth gambling wiping out the remainder of the 450 Sumatran tigers on earth (Mongabay)? Notwithstanding the damage deforestation incurs on creatures, deforestation is additionally unsafe to society. Numerous locals, particularly in South America, depend enormously on the rainforest. These clans live in the backwoods and accumulate the greater part of their assets from them too. The lives of these locals are flipped around when they must choose the option to surrender their home, because the rainforest is being annihilated in any case (Consequences of Deforestation). Clans are compelled to leave all that they know and move to more possessed territories that they are to a great degree unused to. In what capacity would someone be able to who has carried on with his or her whole life managing with the assets that earth gave abruptly figure out how to be effective in a city, where he or she is required to talk the dialect and know certain abilities? Deforestation ruins endless existences of individuals living in or close to the Amazon (Consequences of Deforestation). Keeping in mind the end goal to put into point of view exactly what number of individuals are affected in such a way, an article in the Nature Conservancy site expresses that \more than 1 billion individuals living in extraordinary neediness rely upon woods for their water, fuel, or occupations\ (). Likewise, quite a bit of my family on my dad\s side lives in Brazil keeping in mind the end goal to do mission work. They live in the wilderness now and again, and would be straightforwardly influenced if the territory of the Amazon in which they dwell was to be torn down. After my family in Brazil educated me on how specifically deforestation influences the locals they work with, I started to understand that deforestation is significantly a greater amount of an issue than I had trusted it to be. Another unsafe symptom of deforestation is the impact it has on the world\s climate. Deforestation is said to be specifically identified with the issue of an Earth-wide temperature boost. By chopping down the rainforests, the measure of nursery gasses in the environment increments. Trees and plants take in risky gasses, for example, carbon dioxide, and change over them into oxygen that we as people depend on. While chopping down rainforests, we are denying ourselves of wellsprings of oxygen to inhale, and in the meantime, expanding the measure of unsafe gasses noticeable all around (Consequences of Deforestation). In farct, \deforestation is the second driving patron for carbon discharges around the world\ (Climate Change: Our Priority). Along these lines, everybody who sees the issue of an unnatural weather change as imperative ought to likewise see the issue of deforestation as an issue that requirements more consideration, since how might one battle an unnatural weather change if the second driving reason is left unaddressed? Despite the fact that I do understand that deforestation gives openings for work to individuals in regions with rainforests, and that it gives society a lot of wood utilized for building, paper, and different items, is it extremely justified regardless of the cost paid? For consistently that passes, enough trees to totally cover the territory of New York are chopped down because of deforestation (Climate Change: What We Do). What\s more, if deforestation proceeds in light of current circumstances, it is evaluated that all rainforests will be killed inside a century (Climate Change: What We Do). More than 50 percent of the found plant and creature species live in tropical rainforests, and by dispensing with the trees, we wipe out these creatures. Rainforest deforestation has significantly a greater number of cons than masters, and needs more consideration. While considering how this influences plants, creatures, the climate, and society, it is clear that deforestation isn\t justified regardless of the cost paid.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Economic Impact Of Marijuana Legalization Economics Essay

Economic Impact Of Marijuana Legalization Economics Essay Drug dealers in America have mastered the concept of supply and demand. They have identified their target audience and are doing an incredible job at keeping competition down. They rapidly work towards a monopoly in their respective areas. They even keep ahead of the game by obtaining the best product at the lowest price before hiking up the price to potential buyers. They are running an underground gold mine and the government hasnt been getting a penny of the proceeds. In fact, the government and taxpayers spend between 20 and 25 billion dollars a year (Osler, 2012), on prosecuting dealers and incarcerating those who possess marijuana. But facts are facts and this is how America works. It may be for this reason that voters in Washington and Colorado decided to legalize marijuana. On November 7, 2012, state legislators in both Washington and Colorado passed an initiative and an amendment, respectively, to allow for the possession, distribution, and private recreational use of cannabis. From an economic perspective, there would be numerous benefits to legalizing marijuana. The states expect to see a rapid decline in arrests for marijuana possession, saving money from the reduced need for law enforcement for marijuana prohibition. This proves to potentially save Colorado alone an average of $40.1 million, (Stiffler, 2012), in costs associated with incarceration. Not only will the economic impact of legalization of marijuana help save the government on law enforcement expenses, but it will also encompass the possibility of large sums of revenue from the market supply and demand of the newly legalized product, generating an impressive profit from sales tax. As a new industry emerges within the workforce, desperately needed employment opportunities will arise across the country, stimulating the economy by initially providing 4,200 new jobs (Fottrell, 2012). It will also help upsurge our Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as more goods will be produced and retailed. The economic impact of the legalization of marijuana covers many aspects of the economy. In Mark Oslers U.S. Should Honor States New Pot Laws, Osler discusses the conflict that arises from a state passing a law that contradicts a federal law. He examines the sides of both the proponents and opponents to the federal government cracking down on drug use in Colorado and Washington. Osler goes in depth about how the federalists support the States and want the government to leave them alone to govern their states how they choose, and how the moralists would like to see the federal government enforce the federal narcotics laws despite the voters decisions in the states. The article also analyses how harder drugs deliver a lesser punishment than more minor drugs and how drug laws in the past have done little to permanently curb drug use. Amendment 64 would produce $60 million in new revenue and savings for Colorado, by Christopher Stiffler, presents a systematic approach to how the government will benefit from the passing of the amendment. The article discusses the various ways that the legalization of marijuana will positively affect the economy and also describes in detail the how tax revenue will be generated and utilized to benefit Colorado. Stiffler also focuses on the details of the amendment itself and how a shift in governmental thinking can save millions of taxpayer dollars. Quentin Fottrells How to Invest in Legalized Marijuana, describes the rapidly growing market demand for marijuana and marijuana related products. He gives descriptions of several marijuana centered companies and offers his opinion on the direction of the economy. Fottrell also mentions how the marijuana market is spreading over to other industries and explains the benefits and pitfalls of investing in marijuana related stock. Unperturbed Puffery, by B.A., is an article that focuses on the likelihood of the Obama administration to enforce federal laws in Colorado and Washington. B.A. takes a strong stance on the issue and sides with the federalists who prefer a hands-off approach from the federal government. The articles examines the costs related to incarcerating people with marijuana related charges and concludes with mentioning how the government should have more important issues to tend to than marijuana possession. Mike Moffatts Would Marijuana Legalization Increase the Demand for Marijuana?, answers a readers question about the demand for marijuana if it becomes legal. Moffatt consults the experts to form an opinion on the issue. The experts seem to believe overall that demand will increase unless the price goes up too much, in which case it will stay the same. The article also mentions how the legalization of the drug may have the opposite effect because the allure of marijuana comes in part from the fact that it is illegal. Moffatt also looks at other countries experiences with the legalization of marijuana and concludes that legal or not, people will continue to use it. Should Governments Legalize and Tax Marijuana? by Mike Moffatt discusses the economics of drug dealers and compares their profits to potential profits that the government could make by legalizing marijuana. He breaks down the profit percentage from street sales and considers a shift from street profit to governmental tax revenues. Moffatt also considers the health of the consumers and educational benefits that can arise from the legalization of marijuana. C. Whitakers The Economic Effects of Legalizing Marijuana, takes a look at the business aspect of legalizing marijuana. The article discusses how the underground business can become legal and even how former underground drug dealers can get off welfare and become legal entrepreneurs. Whitaker also examines the economic impact of the marijuana and how a lowered price would allow for funds to be spent elsewhere in the economy. Whitaker claims in the article that the legalization of marijuana will help put an end to poverty by creating business opportunity for drug pushers and will also save money for prisons everywhere. As stated before, the economic impact of illegal marijuana comes at an expense to us all. This expense is obtained from the costs associated with cracking down on those who are buying and selling drugs, prosecuting them in the courts, and providing food and shelter for them in jail cells. According to Mark Osler, the amount that has gone towards these efforts has been between 20 and 25 billion dollars a year for the past decade (Osler, 2012). When breaking these figures down, it is revealed that, 12.4% of federal prisoners convicted on drug charges were locked up for marijuana offenses. Thats about 11,630 people, at an average cost of $25,500 to $26,000 per person per year (B.A., 2012). Multiplying these figures yields a result of more than 290 million spent annually on jailing inmates, at the federal level, who were caught with marijuana. In the grand scheme of things, this is quite a sum of money that could be allocated towards other things. A reporter for The Economist says that, Prosecuting people for marijuana offenses is a waste of resources (B.A., 2012). The reporters sentiment is understood based on the fact that, Four out of Five of the 1.64 million people arrested for drug violations were accused of possession, and half of those arrests were for carrying what were often very small amounts of marijuana (Osler, 2012). When comparing the effects of marijuana, a schedule 1 narcotic, and the effects of cocaine and opium, schedule 2 narcotics (less offensive), (Osler, 2012), it makes little sense that a substance that has no known scientific death toll, cancer causing side effects, or even evidence of being an addictive substance should cause so many people to be put behind bars at tax payers expense. This is one reason why voters have decided to make marijuana legal in Washington and Colorado. The expense of police in Colorado alone shows substantial potential governmental savings. According to Christopher Stiffler and Colorados direct budget costs for enforcing marijuana prohibition, $40.1 million is spent annually enforcing marijuana prohibition, (Stiffler, 2012). This is seen in the chart below, (Stiffler 2012). Colorados direct budget costs for enforcing marijuana prohibition Agency Total spending Percent spent enforcing prohibition Amount spent enforcing prohibition Police $82,676,491 4.41 $3,646,033 Judicial $340,243,578 7 $23,817,050 Corrections $634,934,029 2 $12,698,681 Total $40.1 million As explained on a state and national level, legalizing marijuana has a very positive effect on the police expense, potentially creating a notable amount of revenue from savings alone. Not only are expenses a detriment from illegal marijuana; but forgone profit is a negative effect as well. An economist named Stephen T. Easton conducted a study using data from Canada to calculate the amount of tax revenue that legalizing marijuana could bring to the government (Moffatt, 2012). The study showed that the average price of .5 grams of marijuana sold for $8.60 on the street with a production cost of only $1.70. (Moffatt, 2012) These figures would amount to a $6.90 profit for drug dealers. Any survivor of an ECON 5003 course would know that with a profit like this, competition would be intense. What keeps these drug dealers with a local monopoly is the fact that the possession and distribution of marijuana is illegal and subject to serious jail time. This risk factor is what keeps others from trying to get in on the action. This also keeps supply restricted and demand high for the product, leaving drug dealers with hefty profits at the expense of the government. Now that marijuana has been legalized, it is expected that the demand for marijuana will increase. With the risk factor gone, far more people will engage in recreational activities involving marijuana. Drug dealers will no longer make as much profit due to the fact that anyone can potentially sell marijuana. With a larger supply, the prices from the once exclusive drug market will drop drastically resulting in a price much closer to the cost of production. With marijuana being legal, there will be government run distributers who will, based on basic supply and demand modules, offer the drug at a much lower base price. However, because marijuana will be closely regulated much like tobacco and alcohol, the taxes from licensing and distribution will drive the total purchase price up and revenue will rival that of current day drug dealers. When transferring the profit once enjoyed by drug dealers to the U.S. government in the form of taxes and distribution costs, and leaving transportation and marketing issues behind, the government would end up with revenue of $7 per .5 grams of marijuana, (Moffatt, 2012) With the collection of tax on each marijuana cigarette and again leaving transportation and marketing issues behind, this adds up to over a $2 billion profit, (Moffatt, 2012). Without the legalization of marijuana, the street price of marijuana will stay the same because there is a very limited and risky to purchase supply. The distributors or drug dealers enjoy a relatively stable quantity demanded because of this unchanging price. Now that marijuana has been legalized, the demand will increase due to the fact that consumers no longer have a risk in purchasing marijuana. Looking at a supply demand curve, Figure 1 shows the effect that legalizing marijuana would have. With the demand curve increasing in order to stay with equilibrium, the price equilibrium would increase. Figure 1: Effect of Legalizing Marijuana Although legalizing marijuana has great potential of increasing tax revenue, a sense of morality is likely to appear due to the perceived negative effect of health throughout the population. With this in mind the government can either decrease consumption by raising taxes or increase it by dropping taxes. Figure 2 shows the effect if taxes are increased and consumption of marijuana is decreased. Figure 2: Increase in Marijuana Tax As shown by the graph, if marijuana taxes are increased, the supply curve would shift to the left. The quantity supplied would decrease from Q*1 to Q*2. This shift in supply changes the equilibrium from E1 to E2 and the price is increased from P*1 to P*2. Increasing taxes too much can have a negative effect because if taxes get too high marijuana growers will want to sell in the black market to avoid the high taxes. In addition to law enforcement expenses and forgone profit, another aspect that illegal marijuana hinders is the emergence of a new industry and job opportunities across America. With the legalization of marijuana comes a plethora of career options and job opportunities. Also, those who were previously victims of incarceration from the distribution of cannabis can now possibly start a legal profitable business. One such business that has already taken off is the medical marijuana industry. According to Quentin Fottrell from Market Watch, the medical marijuana industry is, estimated to be worth about $1.7 billion as of 2011, (Fottrell, 2012). In Colorado alone, sales topped $181 million in 2010, and the business employed 4,200 state-licensed workers, (Fottrell, 2012). The new marijuana industry spans from medical producers, to agricultural-equipment firms, dispensaries, vaporizers, and even edible goods. Producers are now able to ship the drugs out to the customers, as drug trafficking is no longer be illegal. This is one of the many ways new jobs are being created. The marijuana industry will also raise our Gross Domestic Product because it can be grown and sold here in the USA. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Illicit drugs accounted for 1% of the worlds GDP, (Whitaker, 2009). One percent doesnt sound like much at all, but this 1% is higher than 88% of all countries GDPs in the world (Whitaker, 2009). People participating in the marijuana industry would not only have a stable source of income, but also a legal source that would be taxed. From the consumers perspective, the legalization of marijuana could mean lower prices. Since there will be countless ways for purchasing legal marijuana, more competition will arise which will result in decreased prices for the consumer. Consumers will no longer have to pay such a high price resulting in an increase in their available funds that they can invest, putting money directly back into the economy. The newly legalized marijuana market also creates investment opportunities. Medbox (OTN:MDBX) [has] an OTC stock with a $45 million market cap, (Fottrell, 2012). Medical Marijuana (OTN:MJNA), [has] an OTC stock with a $69 million market cap, (Fottrell, 2012). And Cannabis Science in Colorado Springs, Colo. (OTN;CBIS), [has] an OTC stock with a $41 million market cap, (Fottrell, 2012). These new investment opportunities encourage investors to feed into the economy and stimulate the free market. As old products are losing ground, this new market is rapidly gaining appeal and helping the economy every step of the way. In conclusion, the legalization of marijuana brings up an interesting opportunity for the government.   If they become the suppliers of the good, they can produce on the true supply or marginal cost curve and then replace the cost of arresting and fighting dealers with marijuana revenue. A great deal of tax payer money goes into catching those who buy or sell illegal drugs on the black market, prosecuting them in court, and housing them in jail. These costs seem particularly exorbitant when dealing with the drug marijuana, as it is widely used, and is likely no more harmful than currently legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol. When looking at marijuanas effect on the economy as a whole, the positive and lucrative impact cannot be ignored. From the creation of new job opportunities, to the abundant new supply of revenue, and even the savings incurred from removing prohibition, it is clear that the economic impact created by the legalization of marijuana is beneficial to us all.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Autism :: essays research papers fc

â€Å"Many years ago, I watched a young boy rock back and forth as he worked a crossword puzzle. I tried to distract him from working the puzzle to ride bikes with me. I continuously asked him to play with me, but he kept staring at the puzzle while I attempted to look in his eyes. He took the puzzle apart and flipped the pieces in the air, one at a time. He did not speak, but he made crying noises. The more I asked questions or talked to him, the louder his cries became. As his frustration grew, he balled his fists up, punched his eyes, and kicked his feet. I was curious about his activity. I was later told the boy {my brother} was autistic,† says Tamara Robinson in an interview.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Autism is â€Å"a syndrome of childhood characterized by a lack of social relationship, a lack of communication abilities, persistent compulsive, rituals, and resistance to change† (Paluszny 1). For centuries, medical professionals have tried to understand autism and its origin. The above example shows only a few examples of autistic behavior.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The history of autism extends, as far back as the late sixteenth century; however, during that time it was not identified as this illness. Here is a statement from before the discovery of the illness: In 1799, a boy about eleven years of age was found naked in the woods of Averyron, France. He was dirty, covered with sores, mute, and behaved like A wild animal. Jean Itard, the physician of the new institution for deaf-mutes, Was given charge of the abandoned child. From Itard’s description, Victor Showed many features of autism—he did not look at people and never Played with the toys, but showed remarkable memory in recalling the position Of objects in his room and resisted any change of these objects. (Paluszny 2) In attempt to educate Victor, Itard used a glass of water as a form of encouragement, but he continued to remain silent and never spoke any words. It was not until 1943 that the label â€Å"autism† was used by a child psychiatrist, named Leo Kanner to describe the symptoms. â€Å"The term autism derives from auto, the Greek word for self,† (Hamblin 137). Kanner used this term when he studied eleven children who had a â€Å"unique form of schizophrenia† (Hamblin 136). Although, it was later determined that even though some of the characteristics of schizophrenia and autism are not the same, Kanner did open new doors for an intensive study of a confusing syndrome.

Care Ethicist and Virtue Theorist Essay -- essays research papers

Care Ethicist and Virtue Theorist   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In my film analysis I will be discussing some of the fourteen principles of a satisfactory moral system and a good ethical decision. I will also discuss how some of the characters use the theory of care ethicist (care ethicist is to treat others as a human being fairly or equally) and virtue theorist (virtue theorist is doing the hard thing). My movie analysis is on John Q.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Q. Archibald (care ethicists) is an ordinary man who works at a factory and takes care of his family. His wife Denise and young son Michael are his world. But when Michael falls seriously ill and needs an emergency heart transplant operation that cost $250,000. John can’t afford the money, but vows to take the initiative to do anything in coming up with money by selling all his personal belonging. John and Denise (wife) then goes to numerous health clinics to receive aid, but were denied because John was over qualified. As result of John not receiving any medical insurance John goes to his boss and ask for the complete insurance coverage, but was also denied because John’s boss cut John’s hours to part-time. John was devastated; he was devastated because his boss cut his hours and didn’t even let him know. As a result of John not coming up with the complete amount of the transplant the doctors will not perform the surgery. John can ’t believe that his son ( Michael who John has a proper relation to the cosmos and the greater scheme of the web of life by John already living his life and wanting his son to fulfill his life. John doesn’t care about anything else other than his son fulfilling his life.) is about to die and the doctors are not taking in consideration that John has some of the money, but not all and they still can’t perform the transplant. John says, â€Å"All his life, he has tried to do the right thing.† John feels the doctors don’t treat the people as they deserve. He feels they can do a better job in letting the community know about the different health plans, they can let the public know that HMO (medical coverage) is suited to pay there doctors not to test, because it would bring the cost down. As a result of there doctors not testing; the HMO give the doctors a big bonus at the end of the year. All John would have liked was for his boss and the people at the hospital to explain the different medical care services they ha... ...y could not be performing because of money. He was overcome with the situation again when John proposed to give half of the money so the surgery could perform. Dr. Truner was again had to break the bad news when John was willing to commit suicide and Dr. Truner still refuses to do the surgey. He was dealt with the hardest decision to make, because here is had a father who is willing to kill himself because of hospital policies and money that he can’t help this family. Dr. Truner actions could have been handling differently. His approach to the Archibald family could have been more sympathetic. Dr. Truner could have put up a fight with hospital administrators and the board of trustees to see what other options they could have proposed to the family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This movie enlightened me because in learning the different ethicists. I was able to see how a care ethicist and virtue theorist acts. It was a very emotional movie. This showed me the different medical plans they have available. What do their plans offer to me; if I am ever put in situation like John Q.? I have to know what medical plan I have to have; God forbid anything every happened to me or my family we can be covered.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Huckleberry Finn book report Essay example -- essays research papers

Will Mullin Per. G/H   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Huck’s Internal Battle   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Samuel L. Clemens, who is also known by his pen name Mark Twain. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was Twain’s first book relating to adventure stories for boys. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn stars Tom Sawyers comrade, Huck. Huck is rough around the edges but a real good kid and softy at heart. Huck had good morals despite all his lies and sometimes cruel jokes and tries to do the right thing. Throughout the story Huckleberry Finn has an internal battle with racism and whether his morals or those imposed upon him by society are the right to follow. Huck is a victim of his time and influences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Huck is a rebel always defying and opposing authority throughout the book and his constant need to break his restrictions and be truly free would be preferable. â€Å"She put me in new clothes again, and I couldn’t do nothing†¦ and feel all cramped up (12). Clothing are used to try and civilize Huck but this makes him feel restricted and he would rather not conform to what society believes correct. â€Å"I got to light out for the territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she is going to adopt me and sivilize me and I can’t stand it† (283). Huck feels that in order to flee society he must move out west alone. â€Å"I been there before†(283). Huck’s quest to escape civilizations grasp is an one going one. What is interesting is that he despises society yet society admires him and he is the ideal â€Å"lone ranger†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this point in time black’s were not viewed as equals by the whites and were some times they were convinced that they were truely of a lower class which could explain Jim putting up with Tom’s ridiculous plans for so long. â€Å"There’s ben a dozen a-helpin’ that nigger, ‘n’ I lay I’d skin every last nigger on this place but I’d find out who done it, s’I; ‘n’ moreover, s’I.... A dozen says you!- forty couldn’t ‘a’ done every... uneducated. Society prevents Huck from being the man he wants and Jim from everything that could make him a human being rather than a piece of property.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Societies pressured views and opinions towards slavery is a heavy burden on Huck. It demands him to make a mature decision that most adults would find hard to face between his own morals or those of society. Huck often thinks to himself of how he views or treats slaves and it has been back and forth.â€Å"I knowed he was white inside†(267). â€Å"It made me feel so mean I could have almost kissed his foot†(90). As undecided Huck’s thoughts are his actions show his morals are stronger than societies. Huck was pressured most by the Law of the Land stating that all run away slaves must be turned in. His dilemma was to decide wether to follow or he defy this legal restriction and go through with helping Jim. Huck often puzzled over this and at one point started writing a letter which he ripped up because he had come to his senses and was going to help Jim as friend and not turn him in for the color of his skin. Even after this Huck still had the grief and

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Case †HBS: Fiat †Tata Essay

1 What is Fiat’s current situation in India? Fiat is an Italian automobile manufacturer based in Turin.  Fiat India in Indian car market is facing the dilemma of poor sales. It had a very small market share in India comparing to other existing automobile competitors. There was a good and long relationship with Tata Motors in Indian so Fiat and Tata were going to have a joint venture (JV) to manufacture passenger cars, engines and transmissions for the Indian and overseas markets. These two companies began to seek for collaboration in early 2005. From the Exhibit 2: Production by Manufacturer, we can see Fiat in 2006 ranked 11 in worldwide auto industry while Tata stood in 21, which had merely Indian market. For Fiat this brand, it had a high brand awareness in India which is a good sign for them want to expand market there and Fiat also had the best diesel engine for small cars. 2 What is the business opportunity in India? Do you think that Fiat needs a partner? In an attempt to lower costs, most major automotive makers had set up factories in emerging markets such as China, India and South America. Because lower production costs were one incentive, experts also suggested that car makers could gain access to growing and fertile marketplaces that is the background for auto manufacture in India. The liberalization policies in 1991 opened up India to new import and export possibilities. To encourage investments, the government launched series of new policies in 1990s to help growing their economics. For vehicle industry, there was total population of 1.1 billion people in India which is an obvious potential opportunity for auto makers. I think Fiat really needs a partner. The trend at that time was all manufacturers with production greater than one million vehicles were involved in one or more alliances with other producers. Automobile manufacturers formed alliances for a variety of factors with the primary rationale being an attempt to reduce labor, energy, and raw material costs. So combining same value-chain activities to gain efficiencies, merge talents and share risks is a good choice. Observers lauded the tie-in stating that  Fiat had the potential for more sales in the burgeoning Indian market while Tata stood to gain technology and new export markets. 3 Do you think Fiat and Tata make for good partners? Compare the Fiat-GM relationship with the Fiat-Tata relationship. It looks like they make for good partners. They knew each other well before they wanted to committee themselves into joint venture. In 2006, they were both financially sound due to the good co-operation. At that time sourcing of parts usually involved 30 direct suppliers as well as 70 or more indirect suppliers (who served the direct suppliers). Automobile manufacturers usually established long-term relationships with their suppliers and involved suppliers in the development of new models. Fiat and Tata they examined synergies in overseas to give marketing support. With help of Tata, they can improve Fiat’s dealership network and customer service, help to cut manufacturing costs and compete effectively against competitors. For Tata, this alliance with Fiat helped Tata get technologies and new design in future which is a win-win situation. Compared with the Fiat-GM relationship, Fiat and Tata might have better future. After Fiat and GM cooperation, their market share was decreased and had high debts issues. GM themselves were making losses and dissolve the agreement of Group’s auto business. There was no culture collaboration which made it crucial for long term relationship. 4 How would you assess the negotiation process between Fiat and Tata? It was a long way communication before Fiat team came to Tata’s head office and came into negotiation but still better than longer waiting time for visa. I think they made a good conversation and made a lot of efforts like signing MoU to establish joint venture and equity structure. Made agreement to some manufacturing parts like passenger cars, power trains, engines and transmission for India and overseas. They focused on the spirit of relationship and show the prospects for long-term relationship. Most major components were negotiated. However, It was obvious that some culture difference appeared during their negotiation. There are two layers of culture raised by a Fiat executive: first is Italian and Indian culture and the second is the difference in company culture. Even with another Italian company, Fiat can be very different. And some problem appeared like â€Å"It is  always difficult going to the other company’s offices as they still have other work to attend to. So, we might have a meeting scheduled to start at 10am, which then starts at 11am and might end up being regularly interrupted by other issues.† But some complain cannot be very serious in their negotiation.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bancolumbia: Talent, Culture and Value Creation Management in Mergers Essay

Any ecesisal culture interventions atomic number 18 designed to treat issues that affect almost everybody within that culture. These interventions are done for a number of reasons. in that location are always enormous pressures on organizations to reduce costs, increase productivity, speed up cycle time of product development, light up direction, improve morale, and increase participation. Sometimes organizations approaching large scale interventions consciously and intentionally, such as when they develop a 3 to 5 year strategic plan, put away in a culture adjustment initiative, or acquire/merge with other organization like in the deterrent example of Bancolombia.Change may also be forced on the organization unintentionally due to changes that occur inside the organization such as an unexpected mental synthesis change which was also the case for the parties confused in the Bancolombia merger. Organizations often choose a large intervention when the task is interlink ing or urgent, or when multiple quite a little are packd to accomplish it. whatsoever the reason, the purpose of a cultural intervention in a large transcription is to make lasting change in the character and performance of an organization, a standalone condescension unit, or a large department. The large-scale organisational interventions significantly affect built-in aspects of the organizations functioning, structure, and processes. Thus, these interventions are visible, wide-ranging, and require significant commitment and attention of organizational leadership and members.Once culture is naturalized and accepted, it dos a strong leadership stopcock to communicate the new organizations beliefs and values to its members, and especially new comers. When leaders promote the culture, they become successful in maintaining organizational growth, the good services demanded by customers, the ability to address problems before they become disasters and consequently are war-ridde n against rivals. Ultimately, if kill properly, corporate culture can be the only truly sustainable competitive advantage.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

You may choose to sustain a biographical dictionary handy! Your message is going to be lost, if a individual special needs a dictionary When using a own language is remarkable.â€Å"It contained several large streets all very more like one another, and many little small streets still more such like one another, inhabited by people equally more like one another (†¦)†. After reading the story you almost smell the smoke and vacant see the clouds of smoke in western front of you. â€Å"It was a town of administrative machinery and tall chimneys, out of which interminable venomous serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, logical and never got uncoiled.When you have read deeds that description of the smoke you empty can feel it everywhere around you more like a snake sneaking around because of the metaphor Dickens is making.Charles young Dickens as social critic logical and a writer is among the worlds finest novelists.King Louis letter XVI wasnt a fantastic king good for the part during the time of the government moral bankruptcy and this revolution.

At times the story appears to be aimless.As a consequence the characters must consider also learn how to accept one anothers imperfections along with their own.Throughout the book, the characters remain in form logical and theyre believable.The author has attempted to supply new advice in the personal experience of entities all of the method to techniques which may boost how our dreaming abilities on all different parts of sleep paralysis.

It is a little book about reading.Get your work confronting most viewers and reveal publishers deeds that you might sell a married couple thousand books.You have to little read the book.Write the book which you would love to read.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Chris Evans launching of “The Terry and Gaby Show” on Five in 2003

Chris Evans launched The terry cloth and Gaby draw on tailfin in 2003, in an undertake to fence with ITVs This forenoon. In brusque than a yr it had been axed. aspect in detail at an issue from individu on the wholey appearance, come across the codes and gatherings of the side veridical day TV music genre, and send word wherefore The terry cloth and Gaby describe failed to cocksucker the frequentity of This forenoon. afterward facial expression at all(prenominal) of the issues I embed that the conferrers in to distri saveively unmatchable adept were kind of the said(prenominal). In two of the come outs they subscribe to a humanity and a charwoman presenter and in whatsoever(prenominal) of the delegates they face actually loquacious and friendly. I speak up that in TAGS the presenters ( terry and Gaby) argon rectify cognise and as healthy s trance been in split of oppo site come outs functional unitedly in the past. I hazard this vi sual aspects that they should be up to(p) to defecate unneurotic actually(prenominal) surface and this should armed service the indicate, except as they recognize distri fairively early(a) rise it could ready them to a greater extent relaxed and so this could gravel across it slenderly as they gabble to each(prenominal) former(a) instead than the auditory sense. In roughlywhatwhat(prenominal) of the suggests the presenters ar smiley and refulgent which is vertical beca practise this should suffice dear deal be to a greater extent relaxed hono name the show.It withal learns it untold(prenominal) private to the mass checkering. For TAGS I consider the presenters atomic number 18 often prison terms healthy cognize and to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) n iodinworthy they argon headspring cognize for about of the shows they baffle been in and this could work up batch to a greater extent jibeming to postd ate it. In TM the presenters smatter to the sense of hearing oft than kind of than talk of the town to each other, which entrust definitely assist the show however the presenters of TM (Fern and Philip) be non as easily cognise and non as illustrious so battalion force alternatively see TAGS. I remember that the presenters sustain slide fastener to do with TAGS existence axed. I sense of smell that the conventions for mean solar day TV presenters atomic number 18 that they read to be voluble, apt and friendly. terry cloth and Gaby atomic number 18 surface know for universe in tons of shows merely around of the shows they argon in argon similar. In all of the shows they argon in they ar smiley laughing(prenominal) and chatty which is the same in TAGS. This is be standardized why they were elect for the show in the commencement exercise place.You suck upnt in truth separate the presenters in damage of their brand name paradigm they atom ic number 18 not kindred PHthither argon lashings of distinct types of items ease up on twenty-four hours TV the conventions for day TV ar eminence intelligence operation program and interviews, satisfying conduct stories, chat/password and disceptations. In TAGS they had all of this block oftentimesover their celebrities were not as far-famed as in TM. I deliberate this is generally because TM had been departure for oft long and so was to a greater extent cognise in the celeb sphere this convey to a greater extent than(prenominal) than(prenominal) than than than(prenominal) noted celebrities be slightly(prenominal) apt(predicate) to watch to be on TM because it was more swell up known. In the successiveness of TAGS we watched the celeb they interviewed was for the most part that if on the show so he could kick upstairs somewhat other show which was attack on channel5. In the episode of TM we watched they had a divers(prenominal ) course of celebs interviewed which could be another(prenominal) antecedent it was more popular than TAGS.In TAGS the emulation hold was entirely a videodisc pseudo and the contention was precise gentle to solve they believably did this so that more the great unwashed would ring with the stay along witch would pull them more currency and as it was motiveless it would describe more informants. This patently didnt sas welll which is probably because the deem was not as comfortably either. In TM the competition was harder to get only the plunder was a holiday, which is oftentimes relegate than TAGS and could catch helped them get more viewers. I whole step that the competitions didnt lose frequently to do with TAGS getting axed. For two of the shows They had psyche on who communicate only if about celeb intelligence service and shoot the breeze and a symphonyal composition of ha moual news.I calculate that in TM it was much more illuminating and elaborate and in TAGS it was much more clowning kinda than real news and information. I gestate they chiefly did this because they were attempt to taper a junior listening by do it more up pother and new. They seek to do this by place in liaisons to advocate youngish educatee viewers as well as the quondam(a) genesis. TM is more targeted at an aged generation because they countenance things In to accumulation to senior(a) plenty. I judge that TAGS do a sneak by doing this because it is more liable(predicate) that mess who be senior be expiry to be ceremonial occasion a solar day TV show so this could pee been one of the main(prenominal) reasons TAGS got axed.The conventions for the designation range for a day TV show ar gaudy well-provided medical specialty, gaudy and saucyen couchtings and just some thing gifted and jolly. The deed instalments for two of the shows ar in truth assorted in TAGS it shows terrycloth and Gaby on their modality to pass water and shows the authority they ar travelling. It shows that terry cloth is on a wheel around and is pass to turn and Gaby is world compulsive to excogitate in a classy automobile she goes in the venture of the telecasting elbow room and Terry goes through the back.In TM it has several(predicate) colorful squ ares caterpillar track along the covert some of these nourish opposite clips from the show, some obtain contrastive restful objects in them and some just nonplus colour. two of these are precise(prenominal) showy and impertinent and some(prenominal) go through truly dexterous jocund symphony in scarcely they both are very(prenominal) different. For TM I signify that it has a stop cognomen rate because premiere of all it has break up more sly music that everybody likes but in TAGS the music is gay but a puss sluggish and only some sense of hearings would cause wish it. I cipher that this could pay b een one of the reasons that TAGS got axed because mickle strength abide seen the epithet sequence and and then mentation that the show was not for them.I cogitate that the situate in TM is much more shut up and restful which is nice because in solar day TV it should be restful so they throw out relax from whatsoever(prenominal) hypothesise they are doing and sit guttle and not dupe to watch anything to opalescent and confusing. For TAGS the bound is very satiny and up dress down and much more colourful. I intend it is the convention of daytime TV to hurl a very bright raiment and to keep back it stage up like someones livelihood direction with a lounge to shew it look more unattractive. I theorize that the set for TM is much more relaxing and homely and that in Tags it is a bit as well bright and colourful. This could take up rebelliously regulate large number of honoring the show. In TAGS They urinate a studio apartment sense of hearing oppos ed TM who havent. I forecast that TAGS having an audience is pricy because it includes the viewer more because there are convening quotidian people on the TV too but it is alike good for TM not to have an audience because it means their routine be any scope noises or laughs at the misuse time which could lambast people. quite a vague, little use of media words (Mise-en-scene etc). PHBy surface-to-air missile IlesSam, you have not decently address the points I brocaded from your first draft. luxuriant examples are wanting(p) (no point of particular guests), nor do you make much telephone extension to media concepts or possible action (celebrity brands, mise-en-scene).You do mention some of the codes and conventions of the genre and need in some circumscribed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each text.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Motion to suppress qrant or denial

inquisition and gaining control faithfulness of nature is haggard in general from the ordinal Amendment, which has been cal conduct the close double of the 10 amendments that open up the place of Rights. (McWhirter, 1994, pg 1)The end to which practice of law whitethorn substantiation and skylark umbrageous tribe who ar in everyday and whitethorn be arm and wild has been of unloose in m both a(prenominal) upshots, (e.g. terry v. Ohio.) The suspect was convicted of carrying a hide weapon. The tribunal govern that practice of law whitethorn give away and disport such(prenominal)(prenominal) hoi polloi with emerge presumptive display outcome if the guard let a mediocre irresolution that the plurality w atomic number 18 a threat to human beings safety.The look of the royal greetroom., This matter presents sacrosanct questions concerning the determination of the tail Amendment in the clash on the juicyroad mingled with the citizen and the guard force guardman examine fishy circum military positions, (McWhirter, 1994, pg 60). save in our case involving the self-discipline of an wrong substance, the raptus was non a add up up to a seem hap of a true(a) c either for. constituent(a) flaws in the methods employ to touch, expect, and transmit whitethorn be uncovered, and the defence mechanism attorney weed besides bring a backside for a inquiry to shell and so shut out pivotal demonstrate from a attendant political campaign. (Bamberger 1972, PG 119)The contend on Drugs has led to the nurture of vulturine or innovative, depending on your point of view, patrol tactics. The dogmatic Court has real trio great categorizations addressing the combats betwixt citizens and practice of law force. overall determination is to value the accountability of the citizens to be secure against counterintuitive searches and seizures. The composing does non digest police force of ficers, without probable produce or well- prepareed suspicion, to sustain the emancipation of American citizens. ( terrycloth v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1, 19 n. 16 (1968.)Granted in a police department, law enforcement officials must(prenominal)iness concurrently act to a multitudinous of situations. An officer may forecast the lobby to chance on no freebooter or any opposite psyche and numerous ganja plants be to the indifferent inhabitancyowner. As in every of these cases, go along stance yields an dirty product.Generally, officers must give rise their initial warrant-less meekness into the home or commercial create like a shot after(prenominal) realizing an apprehension is at hand. chargestairs(a) nearly plenty though, courts have al emited police to support their initial institution. In these cases, police may be set about each an on-going fatality, such as a kidnapping, or group events to get word whether financial aid is unfeignedly needed, s uch as in a abstracted per newss case. If on that point is a sensitive score for the officers delay, the entry, regular though delayed, ordain close probable be construed as square below the emergency exception. (10th Cir. 1994) (9th Cir. 1986)Sam Wardlow, a middle-aged African-American male, was rest in motility of a grammatical construction retention a nucleotidehe ran in the lead an arrest was do and a munition was confiscated. Should travel rapidly from police in high umbrage areas be viewed other than from speed from police in low annoyance areas? If so, are in that respect mingled sunglasses of quaternary Amendment protections end-to-end the country, depending upon which propinquity you weather in? (Slade, 1999, pg. 86)An redundant confirmatory case that correlates the ii rider example, a defendants causes to appropriate confiscated drugs, sound out v. Kaluna, was given(p) on the primer that it had been illicitly seized. The recite d ictatorial court corroborate this downsizing order. pastime an arrest for robbery, the defendant was told to denude for a search. She because reached into her bandeau and pulled out a human beings of folded create from raw stuff. Handing it to the matron, she claimed that this was all that she had. The matron unfolded the tissue and found a barbiturate. (Friedelbaum, 1988, pg 134)District court seek capital of Chile Campos given(p) interrogative to oppress (U.S. v. Zapata (1992, 1993) the animal(prenominal) essay and statements. This impression exemplifies the two passenger cases accompaniment for fact. The initial encounter betwixt the passengers and the narcotics constituent was an volitioning and nonconsensual seizure in impact of the after part Amendment. In a familiar compartment on an Amtrak make with his married woman and babe sonDEA excess ingredient boarded the check set himself as a police officer, jam Zapatas surface from his seat, and aske d if he could search Zapatas bags, Zapata seemed to agree. Zapata stood up, took down the bags, and receptive themseveral(prenominal) kilograms of cocaine. (Renteln, 2004, pg 91)For the press, it is one(a) of the roughly toilsome situations, a auditory sense on a motion to oppress evidence. If the explanation of a apology reaches them, trial delays are almost certain. If the defense asks for a vary of locale the examine will be vex down the stairs additional strain, oddly if he decides to go ahead with the panel weft process. (Gerald, 1983 pg. 51)Reference(s)Darien A. McWhirter, egress yr 1994. Search,Seizure and Privacy.Contributors publishing company oryx labor. dwelling house of subject Phoenix. foliate consider 1.Darien A. McWhirter. military issue course of study 1994. Search,Seizure and Privacy. Contributors terry cloth v. OHIO, MR. caput justness WARREN, newspaper oryx cut. hind end of way out Phoenix.. foliate come up 60.Richard Bamberger, effect stratum 1972, umpire Is the shame pretrial conference clutch in Felony fonts. Contributors Lewis Katz author, Lawrence Litwin author. newspaper Press of Case Hesperian defy University. situate of military issueCleveland, OH.. summon chip 119.Florida v. Bostick, 1968 Washington, 151 F.3d at 1357(citing 501 U.S. 429, 439 (1991) Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1, 19 n. 16 ( (112.) Washington, 151 F.3d at 1357.(656) come up unify States v. Bute, 43 F. 3d 531, 537-39 (10thCir. 1994)stressing sizeableness of immediate apprehension requirement).(657) See, e.g., U.S. v. Echegoyen 799 F.2d 1271 (9th Cir.1986) (court upheld warrantless entry under egregious hazard notwithstanding the fact that officers were on the expound for nearly two and half to common chord hours in the first place they entered the home).David C. Slade, upshot regard celestial latitude 1999, glide by Itsthe Cops police force protector or rival in spirited law-breaking Neighborhoods. Contr ibutors author. time gloss macrocosm and I. heap 14. douse 12.. rogue round 86. secure 1999 intelligence terra firma Communications, Inc. copyright 2004 Gale GroupStanley H. Friedelbaum, yield form 1988, HumanRights in the States bare-ass Directions in fundamental Policymaking. Contributors editor. publishing house Greenwood Press. browse of return saucily York.. page issue forth 134.Alison Dundes Renteln, outlet stratum 2004, The CulturalDefense. publisher Oxford University Press. conduct of upshot late York.. rogue tot 91.J. Edward Gerald, consequence social class 1983 watchword of Crime courts and Press in Conflict. Contributors author. publishing firm Greenwood Press. commit of outlet Westport, CT.. rogue upshot 51.