Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Hair as Vital Evidence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hair as Vital Evidence - Research Paper ExampleOther types of trace licence are as follows glass fragments, food stains, feathers, metal filings, lubricants, building materials, pollens and spores, fingernail scrapings, cosmetics, gunshot residue, plastic fragments, chemicals, saw dust and paper fibers, shew and vegetable fibers, asphalt or tar, dust and other airborne particles, blood and other body fluids, vegetable oils and fats, textile fibers, insulation, soot, explosive residues, and soils and mineral grains among others. Nevertheless, forensic experts regularly meet relatively a few of them. These include hair, paint, fibers, glass, flammable liquids, and fingerprints. Hair has the potential of associating an individual with a crime or giving a soupcon to what transpired (Byrd, 2012). For instance, in a crime involving persons the paint of car can chip off and stick on the victim, an indication of a hit and run. Simultaneously or alternatively, the hair of the victim disco vered in the comics car trunk indicating what happened during the time of the crime. This paper examines how hair becomes a vital piece of evidence in nearly any crime. Next the nature of hair as evidence, the techniques of collection, and its value volition similarly be pursued. Finally, its effectiveness in pointing to a suspect and appropriateness in identifying the suspect as culprit will be analyzed.A French scientist, believed to be amongst the early pioneers in the field forensic science, Edward Locard, believed powerfully that persons could not enter a place and leaves the scene without taking dust particles with them. This was later referred to as the Locards exchange principle (Byrd, 2012). According to the principle, when two objects touch or collide with each other, particles of each of them will be left with the other. The basis of trace evidences forensic study emanates from this principle. Forensic investigating involves the

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