Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Failure and Life Essay

Every 1ness wants to learn the secrets of being succeederful in action. There are some people who wee achieved success in this world. Success doesnt practice to those who wait.. And it doesnt wait for any wholeness to incur to it. Most successful work force subscribe not achieved their destination by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. They have true the opportunity that was at tidy sum. The difference between ill luck and success is ring things nearly right and doing a thing exactly right. Nobody is born(p) a success, they create it. Knowing the secrets of success and all overcompensately imple workforceting them willing sure enough help whizz to achieve success in life. Why, all men strive and who succeeds? asks Br witnessing. Every man wants to have success in life, provided if few are able to achieve it. Those who fail are in the habit of attributing their failure to bad luck, to unfavorable circumstances, to the hostility of enemies, t o eachthing except their own defects and shortcomings.Yet if we train our own lives impartially, we will have to admit that our failures are nearly due to our personal defects and seldom to impertinent circumstances. The age- experient precept is that if we are able to know our own merits and demerits we should be able to correct our defects. Self-confidence is essential for success Self-trust, said Emersion, is the first secret of success. We mustinessiness have confidence in our capacity to triumph over all obstacles. Timidity and nervousness lead to hesitancy. Another quality that goes hand in hand with self-confidence is the possession of a strong will and determination. If we have will, we will find the way to do a thing. We must summon all our powers, physical and mental, and bring them to bear on the mental process of a work. It there is this single-minded devotion, success is bound to come.Of course, success rouse come in those fields of life in which ones aptitudes find sufficient scope and ones ambition is link to ones powers and parts. Therefore, we must know how to choose our vocation, according to our experiment and temperament, our capability. We must have pleasure in our work. Often failures in life come through a mistaken choice of lifes vocation. If we are able to choose our career according to our natural inclinations, the chances of success are very bright. Another important quality is to know and arrest an opportunity when it comes our way. If we let opportunity pass, another may not come for years. Man is the architect of his own destiny. A study of the lives of great men bears this out. Those who talk about destiny and the stare are only allowing external forces to get the fall in of us. The fact often is that most of us have not determination enough the lives of most of us are secure of hours spent in indolence, of opportunities bollixd.Let us, therefore, if we want to succeed in life, drive with all our might against doc trines, which make us, lose self-confidence and destroy our initiative. It is no use trying for the impossible. One must not hitch ones wagon to a star. The impracticable is undesirable. Everything in the world is worth attempting, if it lies outside the reach of a man. legal community is make bust than cure Outlines It is an old motto which holds true in daily life. Tt means that we should stay fresh a affection by observing a simple normal of hygiene instead of later on letting the disease mete out and require loti of efforts for its cure. Prevention is always infract than cure because i,t nips the trouble in the bud. This principle is highly useful in daily life and sack up save a lot of botheration vvhich.woukl , otherwise have to be faced. A stitch in time saves nine is another saying which means more or less the same thing.Essay Prevention is better tnan cure is a wise saying which ha comedown to us since ages. It holds true for ever. The perception of the saying lies in the fact that a curt effort in the early pha of a problem helps to solve it in the beginning it becomes too difficult to be solved. This principle is always keep upd by wise people to succeed in life. Those who do not observe this principle usually suffer even if they are intelligent and unspoken-working. eucharist of this principle becomes a part of ones nature lethargy to this principle also becomes a bad habit leading to sick consequences. If one sees symptoms of a disease, it is advisible to immediately go to the physician, get it diagnosed and follow the treatment. any negligence at the earlier stages of a disease leads to complications and deterioration. Going to the doctor at a late stage will not only mean more expense but may also frustrate the life of the person. Prevention is, therefore, better than cure. Unclean state of affairs in ones household can lead to many diseases.The members of ones family can catch malaria or any other disease owing to the mos quitoes that multiply in an lousy place. Stagnant water, dirty latrines, unclean floors and dirty and stale food, over-ripe fruits and the like can cause so many diseases whose cure will cost a lot of botheration and money. It is better to remove all these unclean habits and prevent the occurrence of the disease. Prevention is better than cure again. If one is a student, it is better to study regularly. If one ignores ones lessons in the early stages so as to work thorny during the examination days, one is in for trouble. Ones early default can cost one success in the examination.One should study tiie lessons regularly in keeping with the requirements of the class, under instructions of the teacher, if one wants to act well in the examination. One should prevent failure than face the failure and try hard to overcome it. One may have to prosecute a costly tutor or lose ones healthphysical and mentalto recoup the lost time. Prevention is better than cure again. The principle also holds reasoned in the matter of twist good habits. If a person wants to develop good habits he must lay a sound foundation for them. To keep to the morals and principles of good character, it is desirable to avoid bad habits of drinking, smoking, etc. Once one starts on the wrong lines, there is no end to the dirty ways. It is always better to avoid dirty habits from early childhood. We should nip the evil in the bud from the very beginning.MY GRANDPARENTS MY ROLE MODELGrandparents are an important part of every childs life, because they can give valuable and positive directions. Their domineering love, warm, and strong bond they had with their grand children helps to the growth of a child as it has on me. The habit of helping to look afterward ones grandchildren is only present in members of the human race. No other cognize animal on the planet seems to have this particular trend. Strangely also, the customs of grandparents playing an important role in the birth and upbringi ng of grand-children seems to be a universal trend among humans. All of us know grandparents as symbols of wisdom they speak from experience and tell us how to go to where they have been. They may not be up to date in matters of light and other branches of knowledge but they would have been through the school of hard knocks.It is grandparents who tell us that though money and other symbols of wealth are nice to have, the real values in life are of the non-material kind. They themselves had belike discovered this through a lifetime of pain and sorrow. It is very miserable today that, as part of the modern life-style, we are losing contacts with our grandparents. It is just not wise at all, but it is happening all around us, that after five million years of evolution, we are now discarding some of the most beautiful aspects of being a human. Pushing grand-parents out of the scene is one of them. Many of them are being exiled in old peoples homes, where being deprived of something u seful to do and of being loved and wanted, they waste away to early ends. One can only hope and pray that the trend will be reversed, if not for the sake of our grand-parents for the sake of the wisdom they have to offer all of us.

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