Saturday, January 25, 2020
Aneroxia Nervosa Essay -- essays research papers
â€Å"Anorexia Nervosa is a mental illness in which a person has an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of their weight and body shape. People with this illness believe themselves to be fat even when their weight is so low that their health is in danger†(Encarta). Eating disorders, such as Anorexia, are a major issue in society today due to society’s stereotypical view of women and young teenage girls, in, but many cases men are affected too.      Anorexia Nervosa has been believed to be an illness that is primarily based in the mind, or an illness of psychological origin. â€Å"Young women diagnosed with anorexia nervosa literally waste away as they lament their bodies’ perceived fatness†(Bower 1). Most people who have anorexia nervosa have similar personality traits being: â€Å"perfectionism, introversion, low self-esteem, difficulty expressing emotions, and a need for control. As the disorder develops, they may experience depression, irritability, sleep problems, lack of sexual interest, and they may withdraw from friends and family†(Encarta).      Anorexia is developed by society. An eating disorder is an illness that affects several of the United States population because society has driven many people to be self-conscience about their appearance. Many women and teenage girls are affected because many are afraid of becoming fat and â€Å"unacceptable†to society’s view on women in general. The illness is often star...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Is Green House Gases And Global Warming A Real Threat? Essay
Human beings are about to encounter the worst catastrophe apart from the bubonic plague which characterized the middle ages. This threat is the global warming. So many people are still on the debate on whether global warming is taking place and also on the potential effects it has on the environment. However, most scientists and researchers are in agreement that, global warming is already taking place and it is going to increase uncontrollably in future. The world leaders have an option to view it as a real threat to the existence of man or decide to ignore it to the detrimental of the human race (Phil, par 1). Though some have doubted the existence of green house gases and global warming, this essay shows that they are indeed are reality. Lately, the world has been characterized by so many debates on whether global warming is real or not, debate that does not exclude even the scientists. There are several facts that scientifically prove that global warming is real. These include several human activities that lead to emission of certain gases in the air, for example fuel burning. Burning of fuels such as coal and wood emit gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide (Phil, par 2-4). These are what are called green house gases. Research shows that the amount of these gases emitted in the air is increasing in the atmosphere. These gases absorb sun’s radiation and this means that the amount or radiation in the atmosphere is increasing, resulting to the increase of atmospheric temperatures. This increase of temperatures has been associated with natural disasters such as flooding, crops failing and ice ages. Since people now know that global warming is real, they may not know all its impacts but they are sure that these impacts are going to be detrimental to the existence of human race and thus people cannot assume that it is not happening (Phil, par 2-4). In addition, a new green house gas has been discovered and identified and it is said to be potent. Trifluoromethyl sulfur pentafluoride is said to worsen the global warming process since it is 18,000 times capable of trapping the sun’s heat in the atmosphere (BBC News, par 3). The scientists who discovered it went further to say that the gas has been in the atmosphere for the last 40 years but its molecules continue to increase in number at the rate of 6% every year. Although its level is still low, its effects are significant to global warming process (BBC News, par 4- 5). One thing that is really frightening is the effects and consequences of these gases and the global warming at large. First, the temperature in the world is staggeringly increasing and it will continue to rise up, resulting to climatic changes all over the world. This will definitely lead to increase in the amount of rainfall in some areas while other areas will be deprived of it hence farming will be negatively affected. Food growing seasons in some areas will shorten while in other areas will lengthen. This will make it too difficult to predict the changes in the climate (Phil, par. 3). Another consequence will be the melting of the polar ice caps and this will take place at a higher rate than expected, hence making the oceans to rise slowly. It may lead to another Tsunami and people living in the coastal cities will be forced to move or evacuate the areas to other areas on raised ground. No one can predict the height that the oceans will increase up to, but the fact is that more land meant for human habitation will decrease. Consequently, the land available for farming will reduce and this will affect the amount of food produced for the survival of man. To make the matters worse, already most people do not engage in farming activities. The moment the little land available for these activities reduces, man will definitely starve (Phil, par 4). In addition, the melting of polar ice will decrease the reflection of sunlight back to the space, causing the earth’s temperature to increase at a very high rate. Just beneath these receding caps, there is organic matter which if exposed to the air, will also emit these gases. This will definitely complement the human activities that lead to the same. The warming on the earth surface will lead to more polar ice melting and this will affect the oceans in two ways. First, the oceans will be diluted, this referring to the desalination of the waters (Phil, par 5-6). Secondly, the temperature of these ocean waters will go down due to the water that is coming from the ice. Consequently, the ocean currents will be affected and since the ecosystem in the world is known to be regulated by these currents, there is bound to be another ice age in the world. Global warming will lead to another ice age! This poses the question on whether man is equipped enough to survive years of ice age. No one knows for sure when this will occur but one thing is a fact; the agriculture that is being practiced right now cannot sustain man during that period of ice age. This threatens the existence of man since ice age is capable of causing his extinction (Phil, par 5-6). Research shows that naturally, ice age follows the cycle of increases in temperatures. However, this time the temperature increases are not natural but man-made. The green house gases that are released into the atmosphere are man-made. Due to this, the scientists believe that the expected ice age will occur unexpectedly sooner as compared to other times in history (Phil, par 7). Moreover, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) carried out a research and the finding confirmed that, these green house gases are a real problem and a threat to the future generations. The administrator of the agency, Lisa Jackson, read the statement and said that the levels the gases have reached are very high compared to the past and this accounts for the recent droughts, flooding and storms that have been experienced in the world. This climate change worsens the problems that man is currently facing for example poverty, environmental degradation, conflicts due to water scarcity and generally, social tensions (Condon, par 3-8). In the 1986, scientists from eleven countries came out to warn the humanity over their increasing activities that result to global warming. These activities include; deforestation, burning of fossil fuels and automobile use. The activities intensify the effects of green house gases. Inter governmental panel on climate change (IPCC) predicted that the amount of Carbon emissions in the air will double by the year 2100, catapulting the temperature levels from 2 to 10 degrees centigrade (Enotes, par 1-5). This will account for the future’s heat waves, hurricanes, wildfires among other extreme weather conditions which result to more deaths, economic crisis and infectious diseases. Years 1990s can bear witness to these predictions since it was the hottest decade ever. For example, in the year 1998 in England, four million people were left without power due to ice storm that characterized the month of January. The same year, Brazil and Mexico reported fires in their rain forests for the first time; heat waves characterized Middle East and also Texas, and unexpected windstorm led to Europe to incur damages costing $4 billion in the following year (Enotes, par 1-5). A factual thing is that, man is not in control over the reality of global warming. So, in other words, he is left with the option of either to act or not to, to mitigate the effects of global warming. If man decides to act irrespective of whether global warming is real or not, he will definitely have 50% assurance of existence but if he decides not to act, the vice versa is also true (Phil, par 7). Conclusion In conclusion, the world may be divided over the reality of global warming and green house gases but the fact is that, global warming has been proven to take place and the world has started to feel its effects. The future has also promised the devastating consequences of this process if man does not act and hence it is a real threat to the future generations and the existence of man. Work Cited BBC. New Green House Gas Threat. BBC News. 27 July, 2000. Web. 6 July, 2010, . Condon, Stephanie. EPA Calls Green House Gases a Public Threat. CNET News. 17 April, 2009, . Enotes. Is Global warming a threat? Enotes, 2010. Web. 6 July, 2010, . Phil, B. Global Warming: Mankind’s Greatest Threat. Phil for Humanity. Guide for the Survival of Humankind and Improving the World, Society and Yourself, 2010. Web. 6 July, 2010, . Phil, B. Proving Global Warming. Phil for Humanity. Guide for the Survival of Humankind and Improving the World, Society And Yourself, 2010. Web. 6 July, 2010, . Phil, B. Why We Must Ac to Prevent Global Warming, 2010. Phil for Humanity. Guide for the Survival of Humankind and Improving the World, Society and Yourself, 2010. Web. 6 July, 2010, .
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust Essay - 1914 Words
The Holocaust is a tragic event that happened not so long ago, but many people have already forgotten about this horrible event. Today, there are only few survivors left to tell their own personal stories of the Holocaust and what they had to go through. But what will happen when theres no survivor left to tell his/her story or speak of the truth that the Holocaust really did happen? Who will speak out for them and millions of Jews who had died in the Holocaust? Who will help defend them? Like many historian events, the Holocaust will become history and will be forgotten. If today society doesnt seem to care much about the Holocaust or know about it, then the next generation will become clueless about this terrible tragic. People†¦show more content†¦His father, a bad-tempered man, was very harsh and strict on his son for he wanted Hitler to do well in life. Adolf Hitler was very fond of his mother, who spoiled him with love and affections which he couldnt get from his str ict father. In elementary, Hitler did extremely well in school but in high school, Hitler did very poorly which caused his father to be outraged. His dream in life was to become the greatest artist which is why he tried to pursue his dream in Vienna where he applied to Vienna Academy of Fine Art. The school rejected his application and soon after he applied to Vienna School of Architecture, but once again got rejected. He stayed in Vienna for 6 years and lived in homeless shelters. When First World War broke out, he volunteered for service in the German army which he liked the excitement of wars. For his bravery, he was awarded with Iron Cross. By the end of the war, Hitler was temporarily blinded by the poison gas from the enemy for three months. The Versailles Treaty ended the war, under the term of the treaty German had to pay for damage of the war and accept the blame of the war. Germans and especially Hitler felt humiliated by the treaty because they believed they shouldnt be responsible for it. After his recovery, Hitler was determined to get rid of the humiliation inflicted by the Treaty of Versailles and he felt that his country was being threatened by the JewsShow MoreRelatedAdolf Hitler and the Holocaust1249 Words  | 5 PagesAdolf Hitler was the driving force behind the Holocaust. Many people think he was insane to torture the human race that way. Others praise him for attempting to exterminate the Jewish people. Some wonder what was going on inside his head when he had the first thought and/or plan of the Holocaust. A majority of the world just want to know what drove him or what made him hate the Jewish race so much. Studying Adolf Hitler’s beliefs can give the world history because he gave the world an insightRead MoreAdolf Hitler And The Holocaust1078 Words  | 5 Pages Adolf Hitler played a major role in WWII. Hitler was anti-Semitic. Anti-Semitic is to be against Jews. Hitler’s perspective of perfection was a blue-eyed, blonde-haired white person; most Jews did not fit this description. This view is what caused the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a period of time in which many Jews were killed in camps. He also believed that he could bring Germany to greatness once again. Because of Adolf Hitler’s actions and beliefs, he was an important figure inRead MoreAdolf Hitler And The Holocaust Essay905 Words  | 4 PagesAuschwitz On January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler was appointed the German chancellor. This was the beginning of the most tragic and horrifying mass murder the world has ever known. Adolf Hitler was a man who despised Jews and blamed them for everything that had gone wrong in Germany. He wanted to annihilate every living Jew in Germany through a plan that he called â€Å"The Final Solution.†To fulfill his master plan, he appointed German SS officers to round up mass amounts of Jews and ship them off to deathRead MoreAdolf Hitler And The Holocaust Essay1105 Words  | 5 PagesAdolf Hitler and the Holocaust. The Holocaust is the word used to describe the mass murder of approximately six million European Jews during Adolf Hitler’s rule in Germany. Among the Jews were also other groups described as â€Å"Sub-Humans†such as Gypsies, homosexuals, intellectually challenged, political prisoners and most Eastern Europeans. German lacked confidence in their weak system, the Weimer Republic. Adolf Hitler, the chairman of the Nazi Party by 1921, was a World War I veteran who still believedRead MoreAdolf Hitler And The Holocaust1667 Words  | 7 Pagesthe more sharply they became distinguished in my eyes from the rest of humanity,†Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, describing his feelings when he first arrived in Vienna in 1925 and began to develop anti-Semitic ideas. The Holocaust was when the Nazi’s eliminated the Jewish people under Hitler’s rule. This was one of the most gruesome events in world history. There were three main reasons why Hitler started the Holoca ust and exterminated the Jews: he had a need for power; he was convinced the loss ofRead MoreAdolf Hitler And The Holocaust2262 Words  | 10 PagesWhen Adolf Hitler rose to power in 1933, he had a belief that race was the sole matter that defined the culture of a civilization. He influenced the country of Germany to change the ideological values that they previously abided by. This change marked the beginning of a new era, which led to the most pure ideological genocide that can be remembered to this day since there was no pragmatic motivation throughout the time period the Holocaust took place. It is a dark mark in the history of westernRead MoreAdolf Hitler And The Holocaust2948 Words  | 12 PagesAdolf Hitler, chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and fà ¼hrer of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945, was the mastermind behind both World War II within Europe and the Holocaust. In the â€Å"Final Solution,†concentration and extermination camps were implemented in an a ttempt to rid of the Jewish population entirely. Such a task, genocide, would not be done easily. By the end of World War II, over six million Jews had been killed. However, not merely Jews were subject to mass murder, but nearly five millionRead MoreAdolf Hitler and The Holocaust Essay729 Words  | 3 Pageshandicaps. This geonocide, led by Adolf Hitler, who was the chancellor and future dictator of Germany, resulted in the death of six million Jews and thousands of other innocents. The Holocaust is arguably the worst thing that has happened in our history. In our modern world we still have racist and religious problems accross the world particularly in the Middle East and Africa. By studying the Holocaust we can learn many things and gain a perspective on our lives. Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi politicalRead MoreAdolf Hitler and The Holocaust Essay1519 Words  | 7 Pages On January 30th, 1933, Adolf Hitler became a dictator of Germany, which marked the start of the twelve year massacre, the Holocaust. The Holocaust lasted until May 8th, 1945, when Europe won World War II. During the event of the Holocaust, six million Jewish followers were murdered; nearly two-thirds of the European Jewish population and one-third of all the Jewish population in the world. The Nazi Party not only targeted the Jews, but communists, Marxists, and anyone who stood up to, or posedRead MoreAdolf Hitler and the Holocaust Essay1114 Words  | 5 Pages Germany’s fate was changed on April 20, 1889, the day I, Adolf Hitler was born to German official, Alois and my dear, Klara Hitler. Little did they know of what a miracle that had blessed them that day. My destiny was decided for me every time my father lectured me about the abhor Jews, taking up our German property, and beat me for the childish mistakes I made. I realized my destiny was to punish the faults in our once perfect nation. My father’s strict upper hand was not the only contribution
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