Friday, November 29, 2019
Dream and Reality in The Metamorphosis Essay Example
Dream and Reality in The Metamorphosis Essay The Samsa family around the fantastic insect is nothing else than mediocrity surrounding genius. Gregor Samsa (pronounced Zamza), the protagonist, has for his parents Flaubertian philistines. They are generally interested in the material side of life and have poor tastes in other regards. About five years back, father Samsa loses all his money, which forces son Samsa to work as a traveling salesman in cloth for one of his father’s creditors. The full responsibility of the family falls on young Samsa’s shoulders as his father would not work anymore, his little sister Grete being too young to work and his mother afflicted with asthma. Samsa also finds an apartment for the family to live in. Gregor is on the move most of the time, but does spend a few nights a day at home. It is in one such occasion that the following dreadful thing happened: â€Å"As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from a troubled dream he found himself transformed in his bed into a monstrous insect. He was lying on his hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he could see his dome-like brown belly divided into corrugated segments on top of which the bed quilt could hardly keep in position and was about to slide off completely. His numerous legs, which were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk, flickered and shimmered helplessly before his eyes. What has happened to me, he thought. It was no dream†¦.†We will write a custom essay sample on Dream and Reality in The Metamorphosis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Dream and Reality in The Metamorphosis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Dream and Reality in The Metamorphosis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There is a wonderful rhythmic sound to this dreamy narrative passage. Gregor is half-asleep and gradually realizes that the transformation is indeed real and no nightmare. It also occurs to him that he still retains his human memories and human cognitive capacity, which means that the transformation is incomplete (Grunbein). â€Å"Ach Gott, he thought, what an exhausting job I’ve picked on! Traveling about day in, day out. Many more anxieties on the road than in the office, the plague of worrying about train connections, the bad and irregular meals, casual acquaintances never to be seen again, never to become intimate friends. The hell with it all!†The metamorphosis, though shocking and striking, is yet grounded in reality. For example, when we go to bed everyday in new surroundings, we are expect to feel a moment of surprise on waking up – a sudden sense of unreality, and this experience must occur repeatedly over in the life of a traveling salesman. It is the sort of thing that makes any sense of continuity in life impossible, as the sense of reality depends upon continuity, upon duration. Also, awakening as a gigantic insect is similar in effect to awakening as Julius Caesar or Benjamin Franklin (Preece 23). Kafka brings about a sardonic tone to the narrative by using a broad range of literary devices. The story involves a simple analogy between a man (probably Kafka himself) and a well-meaning giant insect, where the former is trying his hardest to fulfill the expectations of his family members yet inevitably fails due to his mental seclusion. Interestingly, Kafka never actually mentions what kind of an insect is Gregor, which is one device of refusing to acknowledge any real change in him. If Gregor’s lack of acknowledgement is symbolic of Kafka’s view of himself, it then begs the question if Kafka was mentally ill to an extent (Grunbein). Another notable aspect of the novella is the syntax, which highlights the straight-forwardness of the work, while providing the right backdrop for such a powerful and disturbing action. The optimal use of words makes sure that there is not a word too many. Yet, the author’s genius does shine through this facade of impersonal, formal prose that he committed himself to. Usage of imagery is only occasionally seen. At the same time the space devoted to describing Gregor’s authoritarian and militaristic father does appear disproportionate to the rest. (Nabokov) â€Å"†¦from under the bushy eyebrows his alert black eyes flashed penetratingly; his previously disheveled white hair was combed flat, exactingly parted and gleaming.†Such a description of his father only appears after the transformation, suggesting that such men can wear their illusionary strength only when someone weak is presented to them to bully with. The author’s clever use of atmosphere accentuates the sardonic, esoteric tone. The constricted space of Gregor’s bedroom with only a window for relief is where most action takes place. As the story progresses Gregor loses his ability to even stare out through the window. Each chapter ends with the protagonist escaping from the dungeon that is his bedroom and into the living room, but only promptly to be driven back by his family. On one such venture out of his room, Gregor decides that he cannot stay in there anymore. That moment is significant in that he immediately dies. The author is implying that when an individual loses a sense of belonging and gives up on contact with others, he perishes, both literally and metaphorically. This interpretation is all the more valid since Kafka himself led the life of a loner unable to communicate with others (Preece 112). The literary elements are rendered complex by the extremely bleak style that Kafka adopts. The depictions of most characters are quite flat and don’t offer much exploration on their own. However, the character of Gregor is laid out in much detail and depth. In a way this difference in depiction is analogous to the difference in the real depths of these characters themselves. It presents Gregor as someone at a much elevated psychological understanding of himself and the world. He also comes across as someone, whose values are grounded on more enduring aspects of life (Nabokov). This fundamental difference between him and the rest of his family proves decisive and fatal and forestalls his death. There is a moving sequence in the final chapter, when the giant insect that is Gregor becomes so human that he actually develops an ear for music. In his third attempt to escape his room, he is mesmerized by his sister’s music. At this juncture, the author interludes to ask â€⠀œ â€Å"Was he a beast if music could move him so?†The question is, of course, rhetorical and the obvious answer is – â€Å"No†. He is not really a monstrous beast after all. If anything the â€Å"humans†that are his clan are more beastly than he ever was. Works Cited: Grunbein, D., Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Vermin: Metaphor and Chiasm in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, Nabokov, V., Franz Kafka:†The Metamorphosis.†Vladimir Nabokov: Lectures on Literature, The Kafka Project, Preece, J. The Cambridge Companion to Kafka, 2002, Cambridge University Press.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Welfare Reform Policy essays
Welfare Reform Policy essays Welfare is a program that was designed by the government to provide financial assistance from government funds and private organizations to those in hardship and need. These people include: The mentally ill, the neglected, delinquent children, the sick and the handicapped, as well as disadvantaged families. Welfare is a program intended to benefit all segments of society, but especially the less fortunate members who often find it more difficult to provide for themselves and their families. More specifically, social welfare policies focus on such matters as public education, income security, medical care, sanitation and disease prevention, public housing, employment training, childrens protective services, and improvements in human nutrition. Welfare is supported by many private organizations, such as The United Nations Childrens Fund, also known as UNICEF. Some states, and local governments, especially in the northeast and Midwest, administer general assistance programs that assist poor people who are ineligible for AFDC or SSI. People who are physically able but not working may receive assistance, for instance. General assistance programs receive no support from the federal government. Budgetary pressures have caused several states to cut back on their programs in recent years. The government decides how much welfare support to provide, and to whom based on measures of economic well-being. They are based on national mean income figures. Mean income is an estimate of how much a typical person earns over a given period of time, usually a year. People whose incomes are less than a determined amount below the national mean are considered to be living in poverty. Welfare programs target the people with relatively little income and few assets. This is called means-tested welfare. Welfare is needed in this country because in any free market economy such as the United States and most other nations, a certain percentage of ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Define the term 'Constructive Total Loss' for the purposes of the Essay
Define the term 'Constructive Total Loss' for the purposes of the Marine Insurance Act 1906. What are the difficulties with this definition Use case law examples to support your arguments - Essay Example The first was in the United Kingdom Court of Appeal in two thousand and eleven namely; EWCA Civ 24 and the second was the judgment in the case of Masefield v. Amlin delivered by Lord Steel in two thousand and ten namely; Lloyd’s Rep. IR 345. The definition of Constructive Total Loss provided by the Marine Insurance of 1906 leaves gaps and raises many questions when applied in modern cases that did not exist during enactment of the law more than one hundred years ago. Complexity arises when the complainant argues that ignoring a ransom payment amounts to asserting that a total loss claim is genuine and legal. This explanation means that it is not possible to retrieve deprivation according to the Marine Insurance Act of 1906 section fifty-seven subsection one. In this case, it is against public policy to claim a ransom. It is at this point that the definition provided by the 1906 Act creates difficulties regarding finding a solution to such situations. The definition generates crucial questions covering both legal aspects and public policy formulation processes. This discourse examines the difficulties raised by defining a total loss on the background of English definition given in the marine Insurance Policy of 1906. Highlighted examples include the new wave of crimes such as piracy The introduction of the constructive total loss aimed at codifying regulations touching on marine insurance. This formed the basis of introducing section sixty of in Marine Insurance Act of 19061. A constructive total loss during reasonable abandonment of the insured property regarding the unavoidability of occurrence of a total loss depending on any direct offering in the public policy. Alternatively it occurs if it was difficult to prevent the occurrence of a total loss. The legislative Act of 19062 covering marine policy further specifies that it is not possible for the owner of the property to recover viewing the position of the case and that
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Case For, or Against, New Orleans Assignment
The Case For, or Against, New Orleans - Assignment Example 1). Expected Cost = Cost of Implementation + Cost of Major Flooding X Probability of Major Flooding Main flooding is described here as a hurricane with hundreds of approximated fatalities as a result of flooding, and the expense of key flooding consists of property destruction in addition to fatalities. The produce of the cost and the possibility of key flooding in Equation (1) comprise the anticipated loss or risk as a result of flooding: 2). Risk = Cost of Major Flooding X Probability of Major Flooding For the risk alleviation, option of bettering the levee system, procedures have been developed, and the erection cost is approximated to be around $15 billion. With a rate of discount of 5 percent and a supposed yearly cost of $0.25 billion to sustain the enhanced system, the overall cost for this option on a yearly basis is approximately $1 billion. We will presume that this option lessens the possibility of key flooding however, does not affect the cost of significant flooding if i t were to take place (Hallegatte, 2006). The anticipated yearly cost related with this choice is then: (Expected Cost) levees = $1 billion + $100 billion X (Probability of Major Flooding) levees If the possibility of significant flooding is minimized from 0.02 to 0.01 per year, then the anticipated cost for this option is similar to that for the status quo, $2 billion annually. For possibilities of significant flooding lesser than 0.01 per year, this option is favored to the status quo on the base of anticipated cost. For the risk alleviation substitute of bettering the preparation, alarming and migration system, the possibility of significant flooding is unaffected from the status quo: 0.02 yearly. As a result, the anticipated yearly cost for this option is: (Expected Cost) preparation = (Cost of Implementation) preparation + (Cost of Major Flooding) preparation X 0.02 per year. A dynamic that stabilizes the cost and gains of a selection of selections for risk alleviation, for inst ance, using up $0.75 billion annually on advancing the levees scheme and $0.25 billion annually on bettering the preparation, alarming and migration system, would probably be most favorable. In the same way, investing exclusively in the hard scheme (levees) devoid of taking into consideration the soft scheme (public preparation) would not expected to be the most favorable approach. A significant teaching from Hurricane Katrina is that the inhabitants and assets at risk are as much a segment of the Protection System of the Hurricane as the walls and levees (Hallegatte, 2006). 3). Mixtures of yearly cost and the expected cost for a significant flood related with the alleviation option of enhancing preparation, alarming and migration schemes where this option is favored against bettering the levee system (Hallegatte, 2006). The subsequent postulations are prepared in developing this plot: the cost of executing the â€Å"enhanced Levees†option is $1 billion annually, the anticip ated cost in the occurrence of a significant flood with the advanced levee scheme is $100 billion, and the odds of a significant
Monday, November 18, 2019
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 101
Summary - Essay Example The variables under investigation were the social capital and public engagement in public affairs, both of which are necessary in strengthening the responsiveness of civil societies and political institutions. These factors are necessary in maintaining healthy democracies in the society. The research method was a direct survey using online questionnaires; respondents were asked questions regarding the use of social networks to obtain news and the effects that the news obtained had on their knowledge and participation in political issues. To increase the response rate, a monetary incentive was used; participants were entered in a draw where they could win monetary prizes. The variables under investigation were social capital, offline political participation, civic participation, social demographic variables, use of media news, use of social networks for news and general social network use. In each variable, respondents were asked questions regarding their behaviors in using social net works and the effects that these had on the respondents. The research revealed that public use of news in social networks had a direct effect in increasing the social capital significantly. In other words, the use of social networks to keep up with news on issues affecting the community had a positive effect on the social capital. Moreover, the research revealed that the use of social network sites for news improved public participation in the society, which led to increased participation in political discussions, online and offline. As such, people who get informed through social sites tended to participate more in issues affecting the community, with such participation leading to new information seeking behavior. The researchers recommended the investigation of the effects of the socio-economic characteristics of the communities in which respondents live. This will lead to an understanding of the extent to which social economic differences may affect
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Test for Glucose Control Treatment
Test for Glucose Control Treatment Introduction Carbohydrate forms the principle source of energy. Usually polysaccharide (starch and glycogen) which are glucose units joined by a-glucosidic links and disaccharides (sucrose and lactose) the main dietary carbohydrate. Carbohydrate absorption must be presented to the intestinal epithelium in monosaccharide from mainly glucose and therefore digestion must precede absorption. Glucose gained a significant importance because brain cells are very dependent on it as it is sole source of energy supply. Red blood cells also depend on glucose to carry out their functions. Therefore the blood glucose concentration must be maintained within relative narrow range. After a carbohydrate-containing meal, glucose is transported in the portal blood to the liver, which takes up 60% of the glucose load. Consequently, a rise in the blood glucose concentration causes the release of insulin which will increase the entry of excess glucose into the liver where it is stored in form of glycogen. The normal plasma glucose concentration remains between 4.5 and 11 mmol/L, despite the intermittent load entering the body from the gastrointestinal tract. The maintenance of plasma glucose concentration below 11 mmol/L minimizes loss from the body as well as providing the optimal supply to the brain. Mayne, (1994). All the filtered glucose through glomeruli is reabsorbed in the proximal tubules. Therefore no glucose should be detected in urine; significant glycosuria occurs if the plasma glucose concentration exceeds 11 mmol/L. The two most important hormones in glucose homoeostasis are insulin and glucagon. Insulin is a 53 amino acid polypeptide, secreted by the ÃŽ ²-cells in the islet langerhans of the pancreas in response to a rise in the blood glucose concentration. Insulin stimulates glycogen synthesis and inhibits glycogenolysis through interaction with an exquisitely coordinated control mechanism that is central to the regulation of blood glucose concentration. Glucagon is a 29 amino acid polypeptide secreted by the ÃŽ ±-cells of the pancreatic islet. Its secretion is decreased by a rise in the blood glucose concentration. The action of glucagon is opposite those of insulin. It stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis through activation of glycogen phosphorylase, gluconeogenesis, lipolysis and ketogenesis. Marshell, (2000). The world health organization (WHO) defined diabetes on the basis of laboratory findings as a fasting venous plasma glucose concentration greater than 7.8 mmol/L and greater than 11.1 mmol/L two hours after the oral ingestion of the equivalent of 75g of glucose even the fasting concentration is normal. Mayne, (1994). Diabetes mellitus classified in two types; insulin dependent diabetes (IDDM type-1) where there is a defective insulin secretion. This condition presents in childhood or early adulthood (less than 20 years). Because of insulin deficiency, hyperglycaemia is very likely to occur. As a result glucose will leak to urine (glycosuria) because the plasma glucose concentration exceeds the renal threshold (10 mmol/l). Other consequences related to this condition are polyuria (frequent urination), glucose lost in urine draw water with it by osmosis producing osmotic diuresis characterized by polyuria. The excess fluid lost from the body leads to dehydration and thirst which is a c ompensatory mechanism to counteract the dehydration. One of severe metabolic complication that may occur in this condition is ketoacidosis; there is increased lipid and protein breakdown, enhanced hepatic gluconeogenesis and impaired glucose into cells. Marshall, (2000). In this condition insulin doses are required for the treatment. The causes of the type I diabetes can be an autoimmune where the islet cell antibodies react specifically with the ÃŽ ²-cells, or viral infection that destroy the ÃŽ ²-cells of pancreatic islet. Individual with certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types have been shown to carry a particular high risk of developing type I diabetes. In type II diabetes, non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), obesity is the biggest risk factor, 90% of type II diabetes are obese and it is occurs in the late onset. In this condition ÃŽ ²-cells of islet langerhans are normal which means that there will be a normal insulin concentration and sometimes high in the blood. Also the sensitivity of insulins target cells reduced. The cause of reduced remains elusive, recent research suggest that adipose tissue cells secrete a hormone known as resistin, which interfere with insulin action in experimental animal. This could be an important link between obesity and insulin resistance. Resistin is distinct from leptin, the hormone secreted by adipose cells that plays a role in controlling food intake. (Kumar Clark, 2002). Treatment of this condition by dietary control and weight loss, exercise, sometimes oral hypoglycaemic drugs required. Other conditions can lead to Diabetes Mellitus such as absolute insulin deficiency due to a pancreatic disease (chronic pancreatitis, haemochromatosis, cystic fibrosis). Relative insulin deficiency, can cause diabetes mellitus due to excessive growth hormone, glucocorticoid secretion, or increased plasma glucocorticoid concentration due to administration of steroids. Also drugs like thiazide diuretics can cause diabetes mellitus. Mayne, (1994). Materials and method Please refer to medical biochemistry practical book (BMS2). Result: The equation obtained fro the calibration curve used to calculate the concentration of glucose in plasma. Y = 0.018 X Where y = absorbance x = glucose concentration Patient 1: P (fasting) = 0.078 / 0.018 = 4.3 mmol/L P (2hrs) = 0.105 / 0.018 = 5.8 mmol/L Patient 2: P (fasting) = 0.113 / 0.018 = 6.2 mmol/L P (2hrs) = 0.105 / 0.018 = 8.3 mmol/L Patient 3 P (fasting) = 0.148 / 0.018 = 8.2 mmol/L P (2hrs) = 0.264 / 0.018 = 14.6 mmol/L Conclusion: Patient 1 is normal Patient 2 has normal fasting glucose level and high value after 2 hours (9.6 mmol/l), so this patient must be retested before diagnosis. Patient 3 is diabetic Discussion The glucose calibration graph showed a good linearity which means that Beers Lambert law is obeyed and the results are accurate. In glucose tolerance test (GTT) the patient is asked to eat normally in the three days leading up to the test and to be fasting for at least 12 hours. At the end of time the patient is asked to collect urine sample and blood sample is collected. After that, the patient drinks 75g of glucose in 300 ml of water within 5 minutes. After 2 hours, the patient is asked to collect anther urine sample and blood sample is collected. Normally when the patient is fasting, the glucose level should be < 5.5 mmol/L and there is no glucose in urine. After the patient is given the sugar, the glucose level in the blood will increase, but in the normal person the glucose concentration should go back to normal within 2 hours and no glucose can be detected in urine. What is happening in the normal person after given glucose is that insulin is produced in high concentration, the glucose is converted into glycogen and then the glycogen is stored in the liver. Finally, insulin concentration also decreases t o normal concentration. Whereas, in the diabetic patient the glucose level stays high because the insulin is insufficient, not produced or present but not functioning due to a defect in the ÃŽ ²-cells of pancreas. In normal condition, the filtered glucose is completely reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. In Diabetes Mellitus the blood glucose is much above the renal threshold (11 mmol/L), reabsorption becomes saturated and it starts to appear in urine. The presence of glucose in urine is called glucosuria. Glucosuria results in osmatic diuresis that increase water excretion and raises the plasma osmolarity, which in turn stimulates the thirst centre. Osmatic diuresis and theist cause classical signs and symptoms of polyuria (large volume of urine) and polydipsia (excessive thirst). In patient-1, fasting blood glucose (4.3 mmol/L) is within the normal range and no glucose in urine. After 2 hours the blood glucose level is 5.8 mmol/L, which is below 7.8 mmol/L and no glucose in the urine. These mean that this patient is normal. In patient-2, fasting blood glucose is within the normal range and no glucose in urine. After 2 hours the blood glucose level is 8.3 mmol/L which is slightly high but it is within the normal range of impaired glucose tolerance (7.8- 11.1 mmol/l), whereas urine glucose is negative. This means that this patient must be retested before ending to diagnosis of impaired glucose or any other diagnosis. Many people with impaired glucose tolerance progress to develop diabetes, but this condition can be prevented with adoption of a diabetic-type diet and weight loss (if overweight). Whitby, G, et al, (1988). Patient-3 has high fasting blood glucose level (8.2 mmol/L), and in the urine the glucose is not detected. After 2 hours the glucose concentration did not reduce and it went higher up to 14.6 mmol/L. in addition to that, the urine dipstick showed very strong positive reaction (4+), which indicate that this patient is diabetic. In this patient the glucose concentration was high before the sugar was given. This means that there is a defect in insulin secretion which can not breakdown the glucose and bring to the normal level. The high blood glucose level was due to glycogenolysis, gluconeogesis or high glucose intake. Therefore, this patient may have type-1 Diabetes Mellitus. Questions: What facts should be taken in account when interpreting the results of glucose tolerance test? The facts are: Patient should eat normal diet within 3 days before doing the test. The diet should contain at least 250g of carbohydrate. Patient should be fast over night at least 10-12 hours and does not eat during the test. The 75g of glucose should be dissolved in 300 ml of water and then ask the patient to drink it within 5 minutes after collection of fasting blood sample. A pregnant woman should be given less than 75g of glucose as it may affect the baby. If the amount of glucose given is less than recommended, it will affect the result as the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is standardized procedure. Patient should rest through the test; smoking is not permitted; drink of water is allowed. Blood sample should be collected in container that contains sodium fluoride to inhibit glycolysis. The patient must consult the health care provider if he/she is using medication that can interfere with the test result includes Thiazide diuretics (e.g. hydrochorothiazide), beta-blockers (e.g. prpanolol) oral contraceptive and some psychiatric drugs. There are interfering factors that affect OGTT. There are acute stresses for example, from surgery or infection, and vigorous exercise. Blood glucose rise with age and their renal threshold is increased. Time of sample collection is important (morning). The method we used employed glucose oxidase- name 2 other methods for glucose estimation and describe the principles used. Ortho-toluidine method (mono step): glucose reacts with ortho-toluidine in hot acidic medium to form a green coloured complex. The intensity of the final colour produced is directly proportional to concentration of glucose in the sample. UV-kinetic method: This method also measures the concentration of glucose. The reagent contains ATP, hexokinase, NADP and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzme in ethanol amine buffer (PH 7.5). Why HbA1c a better guide to long term diabetes control than glucose? The determination of plasma and urine glucose provides information about the metabolic status only at the moment. Long term control of glucose can be obtained with relative ease by measuring the amount of particular haemoglobin fraction in red blood cells. The glucose enters the red blood cells and binds the haemoglobin to a very small extent. Although some of the glucose diffuse from the haemoglobin due to formation of covalent bond, but some of the glucose will react with a particular amino acid in the haemoglobin protein. The haemoglobin/glucose complex has different chemical properties from the haemoglobin, thus it can be separated chromatographic or electrophoresis technique. The estimation of Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) depends on the mean plasma glucose concentration and the life span of red blood cells (RBCs). The normal level of non-diabetic is < 6%. Also because it depends on the plasma glucose concentration, HbA1c in diabetic patient tend to be increased over the prev ious 1- months. The extent of elevation of HbA1c indicates the overall degree of blood glucose control; in poorly controlled diabetes it may rise as high as 25%. Whitby, (1998). So the higher percentage of HbA1c indicates more glucose bound to haemoglobin and hence poor control of diabetic. Subsequently this test is used to asses the quality of the long term control of blood glucose in diabetic patient. Also it examines the patient faithfulness with which he/she followed the health care instruction and the effectiveness of the medication prescribed for treatment.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Indigenous Resistance :: essays papers
Indigenous Resistance "MUSIC IS THE WEAPON OF THE FUTURE" The spirit of resistance is a powerful force in reggae music. In this essay I will explore the ways that resistance is manifested in reggae music and describe examples of indigenous resistance in Jamaica and Mexico. A strong example of indigenous resistance can be found in the Maroon communities of Jamaica. The Maroons were a thorn in the sides of white plantation owners and an inspiration and expression of freedom and autonomy to the Africans. The history of the Maroons describes a group of diverse people who bonded together beyond the fringes of the colonial system to form their own autonomous nation. Throughout the world indigenous peoples have been resisting and rebelling against the colonial system, also known as the 'Babylon' system to Rastafarians, modern-day descendants of the Maroons. The origins of the concept of 'Babylon' in relation to rastafarianism and indigenous resistance will be discussed in greater detail. The following essay is an exploration of indigenous resistance in Jamaica and throughout the world. Reggae music has evolved as a form of social commentary and because of its international popularity the message is spread around the world. Reggae music is a meaningful channel for social change. Reggae music portrays resistance to oppression, it is a symbolic action, part of a nonviolent revolution. It is a type of rhetoric; a method of communication designed to influence and persuade. It is a message with a purpose, it represents a crystallization of fundamental issues. Reggae music asks the listener to reconsider our daily lives and to hear the cry of the sufferer, because so many people are suffering. The lyrics and music of Robert Nesta Marley gave reggae music international recognition. Bob was a charismatic performer who truly stands out as a prophet. There is clearly a prophetic overtone to his lyrics yet he was only given the prophetic status after he died. His lyrics operate on a deep level, yet they typically relate to everyday occurrences. Bob's music was and is a powerful force to ease the pain of life in the ghetto. He embodied a feeling of empowerment, and encourages all listeners to 'chant down Babylon'. Marcus Mosiah Garvey was a philosopher who inspired Rastafarians to resist against the colonial system. He likened the Africans in the Caribbean and Americas to the Jews in the biblical city of Babylon. There are many deep connections between Rastafarianism and Judiasm, and this topic could no doubt warrent much more discussion.
Monday, November 11, 2019
international business environment Legal considerations Essay
The legal aspects are important for the business choice. Laws are different in every country. Laws would regulate business practice, define the manner and set down the rights and obligations. This made business have to run within the border set by law and definitely affects the efficiency and profitability when running business in that country. The type of legal system. The legal system in Spain and Korea is based on civil law, while court precedents are not granted official status as law. The Spanish legal system is based on comprehensive legal codes and laws rooted in Roman law, as opposed to common law, which is based on precedent court rulings. Because Japan occupied Korea from 1910 to 1945, the Korean legal system resembles the Japanese system. After the occupation however, there were attempts to adopt many aspects of the American legal system. It must be remembered that the first civilian government commenced only in 1992, and thereafter, increasingly more democratic reforms have taken place.1 Both countries use contracts and they are important for doing business in both countries. Neither Korea or Spain has advantage to the type of legal system. The protection of property right The definition of property right: In economics, property usually refers to ownership (rights to the proceeds of output generated) and control over the use of the means of production. They may be owned privately, by the state, by those who use it, or held in common by society.2 The world property right index 2012 shows the differences between the countries and the country’s world ranking. South Korea and Spain are both in the top 40 of the index. Spain ended this year on the 35th place and South Korea on the 40th place. The overall score off all the points together we can say that Spain compared with Korea is better in protection of property rights. In the figure on the next page we compare South Korea with Spain. The higher the score the better protection of property right. Property right is important for running a business because the better protect the better is the stability of the company. Overall score South Korea vs. Spain in the international world index 2012 The protection of intellectual property Intellectual property is a juridical concept which refers to creations of the mind for which exclusive rights are recognized. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property rights include copyright, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and in some jurisdictions trade secrets. 4 South Korea has an government organization called KIPO. This is the governmental authority in charge of intellectual property in Korea. The mission of KIPO is to help Korea become an advanced country by providing legal and institutional administration for the creation and utilization of highly creative, value-added intellectual property and by promoting technological innovation and industrial development. In Spain the main law regulating intellectual property protection is the 1996 Int ellectual Property Law. With regard to industrial property, no single law covers all aspects. Instead, this is regulated by a package of different laws, including the Patent Law, trade mark law and the law on the legal protection of industrial designs5 In the international property right index, South Korea and Spain score exactly the same and ends on the 27th place. There are 130 countries in the index so the both are trustful countries. Corruption A country where corruption is low is a really important factor to choose for a country. Corruption costs a lot of money and affects the company negative. Korea has an independent commission against Corruption. The Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption is an independent commission that reports to the President in its fight against corruption and the consequent promotion of the clean administration of South Korea. In a coordinated effort with other monitoring agencies, also known proverbially as watchdogs, the KICAC is involved in producing policies and orchestrating preventive activities.6 Spain has different organisations to fight against corruption. The Special Attorney General’s Office for the Repression of Economic Offences related with Corruption(ACPO) is the biggest and well known organisation in Spain. 7 According to the Corruption perception index Spain scores better than South Korea. The Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries/territories based on how corrupt a country’s public sector is perceived to be. It is a composite index, drawing on corruption-related data from expert and business surveys carried out by a variety of independent and reputable institutions. The difference between the two countries is not that big but Spain would be a saver option. Labour law Spain and South Korea have both a minimum wage8. The minimum wage in Korea is lower than in Spain which is positive for the production costs. The maximum and average working hours in Spain are also lower than in South Korea. The maximum working hours in Spain are 40 hours a week and in South Korea 48. This is positive for the production because you can have longer days and the costs are lower as well. Forced labor and child labor are prohibited in both countries. In Korea children under the age of 18 may work under certain conditions. In spain the minimum age is 16. To do so, in Korea they require a special employment certificate from the Labor Ministry, which is rarely issued because education is compulsory until the age of 14. Children under the age of 18 who wish to work require written approval from their parents or guardians. Environmental law South Korea is connected with the AECEN. This is the Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network and there is an agreement between 16 Asian countries dedicated to improving cooperation with environmental laws in Asia. The mission of the Ministry of Environment in South Korea is to protect the national territory from threats of environmental pollution and to improve the quality of life for the public. This includes ensuring the people of South Korea can enjoy the natural environment, clean water and clear skies. Furthermore, the Ministry aims to contribute to the global efforts to protect the Earth. In February 2008, the Korea Meteorological Administration became an affiliate of the Ministry of Environment to facilitate countermeasures against climate change In Spain the central government represents Spain in the European Union and transposes European legislation into Spanish law. It is responsible for adopting national legislation on the basic and common aspects of the environment. Both countries take the environment more than serious because it can effect business and people. The better and stricter the environmental law in the country the better and more effective you can produce your products. Nowadays the mission of most companies is to be green and fight against global warming. The regulations in Europe / Spain are more strict than in Asia what can be a reason to choose for Spain. The investment in expensive machinery and products to produce is maybe higher at the start but with better machinery companies can produce more cleaner and more effective. References
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Biography of Caroll Lewis
Lewis Caroll had his birth at Daresbury in 27th January of 1832. His death was at Guildford on the January 14th 1898. Down his history as Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, he had been presented among the most prominent persons in the Victorian literature. The question of literate development by Caroll remains unquestionable remains highly volatile. The next question is, was Lewis Caroll a brilliant literate? What epochs did his life went through? He is characterized of various similarities to that of Gerald Hopkins who came later after him.To both the Caroll and Hopkins, their fantasies and poems respectively had their conception allied to the great Victorian era which was compounded by many clergy-men who portrayed broad status of academic, religious, ascetic and restricted livelihoods. Both the works of Caroll and Hopkins had fascinating words. Their writings were influenced by the artistic tools and approach they broadly used which was a broad compound of painstaking amateur of draughts m en which led to great audience preoccupations.However, the work of Caroll never got any public knowledge during his life time only until his death where great praises marred his artistic conceptions. (Knowles, Kirstein, 1996, 86) Due to the crafty audience environment, Caroll had pseudonym as his basic refuge. However, until his death, Caroll never got any fame where his original poems remained still unpublished at the epoch of his death. The same publish came only after years till his death.(David, Janel, 2002, 78) Until his death, the Victorian had a revolution which brought diversity in the religious and personal view autonomy which were engineered by the great test as well as the artistic character of the two fallen rhetorical heroes. Accordingly, the poetry work by Hopkins was made for the adults while the fantastic titles by Caroll were made to capture the children. However, his rhetorical life was dominated by nostalgia but his character stood as complexity and originality wi th a great variance in interest which was a basic tool for off-setting state of recurrent melancholy.Caroll grew by instinction to been a graphic as well as visual artist and could not abandon his will for drawing with regular visits to artillery exhibits as well as artistic studies. However, Caroll paused to photography on realizing that he presumably lacked professionalism in art. Historically, he became a proactive children photographer. Till his pseudonym, he derived transposition of his names which included his first name Charles Lutwidge then Ruskin, George, Holman Hunt, Tennyson, MacDonald and others. He sparred across interests in medicine, photography, art, literature and religion.He even became a deacon at twenty-nine in England. He viewed the broad aspect of life as a big puzzle. This compelled his character of even solving puzzles in logics and mathematics perhaps a descent preoccupation than any other achievement. He achieved a great success in mathematics which is beli eved as a basic element in preserving his literacy achievement in literature. According to historical analysts, his divine tool of logics and also mathematics was unpopular for anyone like him who compelled such great humor, loved children, an artist and a lover of language.(David, Janel, 2002, 68) However, his bright fantastic glow was provided by the support of science as well as his analytical mind. These two paradoxes went through shaping above the refinement until forming an inimitable crystal of rhetoric. During his mathematical lectures in 1855 at the Christ church, his character provided lack of communicating abilities for a mass class. This provided un-inspiration and also dullness in the due process of giving lectures. This provided development that his fatal contribution to Oxford would only be in publications and the research areas.Here, he consistently made contributions in mathematics and also logics. Historically, the books and articles by Caroll provided profound enj oyment and knowledge to the people. However after his death, a spontaneous period of slackened public interest came in. His broad audience submerged this in a sphere doubt. At the outbreak of the first word war in 1914, many readers were now turning back to Caroll’s work. This led to booming sales of Caroll’s editions until 1928 where maximum sales were reached. Greatly, ‘Alice Adventure in Wonderland’ attracted many buyers which included 15400 pounds by Dr.Rosenbach for its original manuscript at Sotheby. In 1948. This manuscript was finally brought in British Museum after a series of sales between people. However, this entitlement at British Museum was only a sign of appreciation for the long trailing Great Britain’s contribution in the Second World War. . (Weldon, 1987, 93) Historically, the manuscript embraced great respect above various tributes in passive memory of Caroll in the memory of Caroll’s birthdays. Such respect played an impor tant role in providing him an unequivocal place among the excellent persons. Since then, many scholars and journalists have respectively quoted his work.Elsewhere, his long enduring character is a mythological drive and folklore to many nations. To many Englishmen, two of his works, ‘Ugly Duchess’ and also ‘The Mad Hatter’ have become indispensable. (http://www. insite. com. br/rodrigo/text/lewis_carroll. html) According to personal commendations by his audience, Lewis Caroll exemplified un-piestic status of childhood handling which was in a new form. Across the glance by readers, they have characterized his work as moralizing and edifying found with fantasy, which was roadmap for witnessing the virtues allied to innocence.He portrayed his work to be a plane of unified use of common sense for all which was strengthened by the broad array in patronage of divine dignity as well as coverage to the children. (Shimpley, 1931, 68) Above writing for children, Caro ll published various books on mathematics and also logics. Through such publications, many scholars described him as vigilant of split personality which compounded pedantic mathematician as well as a prim literate. However, this was a pseudonym refuge in which he only wanted to deliver out his creativity in fanciful manner.However, this publications were cited as a concrete description of his spearheaded sense of been a Victorian don. However, a comparative analogy in the outlook provided by the, ‘The Young Vistors’ as well as the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ provide Caroll with a full contemplation of innocence which seems to be drawn away by the fatal accusations by many of his readers. (Esther, Day, 2004, 124) Caroll got his descent from two families from North Country in Daresbury. He inherited Dodgsons which was a tradition behind church services well as Lutwidges which was state service tradition.His father was called Charles Dodgson. Therefore from the spat iality of these two descents, Caroll developed his gentle character. Therefore, the parental fantasies in which he got his upbringing played a significant role in his broad rhetorical mobility. According to the Alice in Wonderland, Caroll did sending of a lizard down from a chimney as well as putting the Dormouse to a teapot. This was a clear refinement of his nonsense to a highly advocating and sensitive art. In the article, the element allied to ruthlessness was conspicuously brought out which perhaps had its inherit from the father.Elsewhere, since his childhood, Caroll life depicted a parallel life. In 1843, his family moved to the Croft Rectory in Darlington. At his new family setup, Caroll became a controversial entertainer to his family members with games, poems as well as stories. Also, he made humorous drawings and illustrated magazines. Historically, one of his childhood poetry at thirteen years contained various anticipations of mouse tail in the Alice as well as Humpty D umpty. (Esther, Day, 2004, 127) In his writing, Caroll had a long perceived and subconscious intention of escaping into Wonderland.However, he was handicapped by stammer but was since then an active and a happy child. In his early childhood work when twelve years, experts have stood to acknowledge the sigh of outstanding sense of maturity, sensitivity as a well as tenderness. At his youthful development, Caroll was however disturbed by fundamental conceptions. He had a premature advancement and was a victim of proportionality at his adolescence. However, at age of twenty-one years, Caroll stood to been a good writer after graduating from Oxford. (http://www. ourcivilisation. com/smartboard/shop/hudsond/carroll/index.htm) However in 1865, Caroll published Alice Adventure in Wonderland which was an unexpected artistic inspiration. Since this advancement in 1865, Caroll went across to a cutting age of revolution in the world of literature by writing many articles such as magazines, man uscripts and books. He also composed many humiliating poems. This included the Rectory Umbrella, Through the Looking-Glass, Mischmash, above others. He developed an outstanding prologue into writing which attracted many people. His name was praised before getting a diverse attraction to speak to people in the theatres.During the rhetorical revolution in his life, Caroll was in an establishment of raconteur character-hood as well as been a humorous freelance journalist in which he appeared in Whitby Gazette. This time was an important time in which he began speculating is literature to the society providing attractive impressions through whimsical intimations. This was however a long trailing character since his childhood. (Shimpley, 1931, 98) At the age of twenty-three in 1855, he used an attractive package of rhetorical knowledge in writing a poem which has even hit the current state of literature.Currently, this poem (four stanza’s) has been preoccupied in the poem ‘J abber- Wocky’ by the Roger Landyn. In 1856, he channeled his efforts in writing, ‘ The Train’ which was a noble poem which even attracted a great audience support. From his writing in ‘Alice in Wonderland’, Caroll got the stepping-stone for a wide support for fantasy and also experience which invited him to exploiting widely the field of literature. Since then, Caroll’s work has been bound into volumes of books and manuscript productions. His work also comprehends of many romantic poems.However across the board, Caroll’s poetry and literature work was pointed to the young children who got a lot of glamour and influence from the highly attractive and convincing sense of audience attraction. However, his attribute of love for adult audience is not fully glamoured. However, some respondents provide that he was once drawn to this phenomenon such as Hellen Terry. Indeed, to a personal conception, Caroll never revealed his love for such adult audience and was always rebuked to any sense of attraction to such audience.Since his childhood, Caroll took refuge of women from anticipating the young girls which provided a passive compensation from the lure of women friendship. Though these were little children, he made to escape the desire for sex. He intimately secured intimate satisfaction from such an association with the young children. (Shimpley, 1931, 57) According to rhetorical history, Lewis Caroll carried down work of art at such a point which is presumably highest in the industry of art. They describe his work as the most touching perhaps beyond any other artistic work.Either, the work of Edward Lear has also been pinpointed to exactly compound the great threshold of conviction which was brought by Caroll. Wonder has continued to strike the thoughts of people whether it was by accident that the two produced the most attractive work despite them been Englishmen. According to the views of rhetorical analysts, foreign E nglish explores should only explore the sense of humor and English character-hood provided by the efforts of Lewis Caroll immediately after that of Shakespeare.Due to the great sigh of humor compounding his work, great interpretations of his publications have attracted a conventional accord in the word for the last thirty years. (http://www. ourcivilisation. com/smartboard/shop/hudsond/carroll/index. htm) Basically, the crucial precepts of his nonsense writing were a tool for attracting the children audience. In the ‘Alice in Wonderland’, he subjectively used drawings to passively ignite a feeling of attraction for the young children who would consistently be attracted to the piece of drawing within the book.From its autobiography, Alice in Wonderland was evident of parochial illusions which was a method to attract at a greater capacity the will of the children. At any immediate read out to the ‘Alice in Wonderland’, the first impression is an illusion that brings attraction to them. This is through the rhetorical fantasy in which he has used as a tool of theme control in his works. Generally, the prototyped figures of turtles, the giants, caterpillars and other basic jokes are only made to provide him with an elaborated gesture of attraction to the children.(Weldon, 1987, 78) His artistic work is a compound of great concealment which has also limpid prose that is uniquely understood by ease to the children. His work is a tool for entertainment and subconsciously create room for knowledge support to the young growing children. Evident from his work, the children are highly attracted and motivated in internalizing and reading his work. This is through his fundamental arrangement of articles to provide understandability and importance of the global arrangement of the words in books and manuscripts.Summarily therefore, a lot of attribute can be internalized to the efforts of Caroll to building coherent artistic tool as a basis of develop ing knowledge in the early days of knowledge search. He is remarkably echoed as a strong icon in providing support for the provision of entertainment and the intend of knowledge buildup. Work cited A Biography of Lewis Caroll. Reteived on 11th March 2007 fom http://www. ourcivilisation. com/smartboard/shop/hudsond/carroll/index. htm David Loewenstein & Janel Mueller. The Cambridge History of early Modern English Literature.Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002 Eisner Elliot & Day Michael. Handbook of Research and Policy in Art Education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence and Erlbaum Associates, 2004 Knowles, M & Kirstein M. Language and Control in Children Literature. London, Routledge, 1996 Lewis Caroll Biography. Reteived on 11th March 2007 fom, http://www. insite. com. br/rodrigo/text/lewis_carroll. html Shipley Joseph. The Quest for Literature: A survey of Literacy Criticism and the Theories of the Literacy Forms. Richard Smith, 1931 Weldon Durham. American Theatre Companies, 1888-193
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
use of pectinase in the produc essays
use of pectinase in the produc essays Use of pectinase in the production of fruit juice. In industry, the enzyme pectinase is used in the production of fruit juices. This is mainly because the enzyme breaks down pectins, which are found in plant cell walls, increasing the yield of juice from the fruits by 20% and only 150cm ³ may be required for a tonne of apples. Each year, tonnes of apple juice is produced and using the enzyme pectinase enables the business to continue running as it saves on costs. The diagram shows where the pectin comes from in a plant. It is gel like and forms the middle lamella layer which sticks adjacent cells together. Methods and Materials: See practical guide Table 1 shows the amount of apple juice produced in each cylinder, pectinase present or control. Time (mins) Pectinase (ml) Control (ml) The results show that the cylinder which contained pectinase produced more apple juice than the cylinder with just water in it. The results show that the cylinder with pectinase used, produces much more apple juice than the control. This shows that the enzyme pectinase has a great effect on the volume of juice produced. During the reaction, pectinase breaks down pectin in to smaller soluble molecules, resulting in more juice production. Pectin is a polysaccharide that is present in and between plant cells which causes two adjacent plant cells to stick together. Pectin is broken down by pectinase. Pectinase is actually a group of enzymes which break down various structural components of pectin. Industry uses pectinase to increase the yield of apples cranberries and grape juices. Pectinase increases yield by breaking down pectin holding the juice in. At first the juice appears cloudy, pectinase then makes the juice clearer by breaking down the bits of cell whi ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Midway, Turning Point in World War II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Midway, Turning Point in World War II - Essay Example At the Battle of the Coral Sea, May 7 and 8, 1942, the American fleet took a terrible beating and appeared on the verge of collapse. Admiral Yamamoto knew when he attacked Pearl Harbor that the only way to wage a successful war against the United States was to completely wipe out his only opposition, the navy of the United States. The fact that Japan was an island nation allowed for the development of a large trading fleet as well as the largest military navy in the world. Without control of the Pacific, Japan could not expect to last long as everything had to be transported to Japan via ships. If the American navy could be eliminated from the Pacific, Japan would be able to control the entirety of its trading sphere. Yamamoto had to get the United States into one last battle where his power could be successful against a weaker enemy. The key to his plan was found to be Midway, the lookout for Hawaii. With Midway captured, and Hawaii neutralized, Japan’s only problem would be forced further east to the United States.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Thomas Cook and the modern tourism industry. The Evolution of Essay
Thomas Cook and the modern tourism industry. The Evolution of International Tourism - Essay Example The specific industry has appeared rather early, around the 15th century; however, it was only in the 19th century that the first schemes of modern tourism appeared. Thomas Cook has been an entrepreneur who highly influenced modern tourism. The perceptions of the above entrepreneur on tourism had led to the transformation of the industry and the establishment of advanced forms of tourism, which affected not only the British but also the global economy. The impact of Thomas Cook on modern tourism is reviewed in this paper. Emphasis is given on the contributions of Thomas Cook that mostly affected the tourism industry; reference is made both in the short and the long-term effects of the intervention of Thomas Cook in the tourism industry. It is made clear that the role of Thomas Cook in the development of modern tourism has been decisive. However, the current form of modern tourism is the result of the rapid development of technology worldwide, which allowed the improvement of infrastr ucture for the needs of the tourism industry and the increase of destinations. Because of Thomas Cook the tourism industry was made accessible to people of all economic and social characteristics, a fact which is considered as the key contribution of Thomas Cook in the specific industry, along perhaps with the packaging tours, a scheme first introduced by Thomas Cook (Sayre and King 2009). In other words, Thomas Cook set the basis for modern tourism; the industry’s development through the decades has been strongly based on economic and technological development as promoted in countries worldwide. 2. Thomas Cook and the modern tourism industry 2.1. Origins and characteristics of the modern tourism industry The first forms of tourism can be identified in Britain of 15th century. In the 16th century also, the mansions used across England ‘became cultural centres’ (Page and Connell 2006, p.28). It was during the above periods that the origins of tourism can be identi fied. The ‘visiting friends and relatives scheme’ (Page and Connell 2006, p.28) was considered as the initial form of tourism in Britain. In the 17th century, the ‘polite tourism’ (Page and Connell 2006, p.28) was highly developed. In the context of this type of tourism, visits were made to important members of the society (Page and Connell 2006). The health tourism, i.e. the visit to areas that would benefit the health, also appeared in the 17th century, and has been further developed up today (Page and Connell 2006). In the centuries that followed, the characteristics of tourism were changed. Instead of a pleasure enjoyed by only the rich, tourism became an activity for the masses; the mass tourism, which was first developed by Thomas Cook, as, explained below. The most common view regarding the development of modern tourism is included in the study of Best (2010). In accordance with the above researcher, the transformation of travel to modern tourism too k place in 1841 through the ‘railway journey from Leicester to Loughborough in the context of a Temperance meeting’ (Best 2010, p.139). Thomas Cook arranged the above meeting considering that it would be a good chance for families to visit a place with a dry climate, like Loughborough. The relationship between modern tourism and the above event is highly emphasized in the literature, showing the contribution of Thomas Cook in the development of travel as a leisure activity. The transformation of tourism through the centuries reveals the following fact: tourism has passed a phase of
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